Endorphins are known in sports mainly from runner’s high. A scientific study has now shown that completely different flights of fancy are possible with abdominal muscle training. We will tell you which exercises can be used to achieve coregasm or orgasm during sport.
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What is a core gasm?
Even if sex , depending on how it is performed, can be a very strenuous physical activity, few people think of physical training when they hear the keyword orgasm . The so-called Coregasm proves that this connection is not so far- fetched . The English box word from ” core ” (= middle of the body; also: lower torso and pelvic muscles) and “orgasm” has been circulating on the Internet for a few years. Many wonder if there is actually anything to the phenomenon. With coregasm, the clitoris is indirectly stimulated during certain exercises by tensing the abdominal and pelvic floor musclesbe stimulated so much that women can achieve orgasm as a result. But what about implementation and what does science say about it?
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According to the study: A quarter had an orgasm while exercising
In fact, science is also concerned with bizarre phenomena such as coregasm. Back in 2011, Indiana University sex researcher and therapist Debby Herbenick conducted a study on female orgasm during exercise : she asked 530 women about their past experiences of orgasm or sexual arousal during exercise. Amazingly, 124 women – almost a quarter of the subjects – confirmed that they had already experienced an orgasm while exercising . Over half of them (51.4 percent) got the coregasm during abdominal training .
For others, orgasm occurred during weight training (26.5 percent), yoga (20 percent), biking (15.8 percent), jogging (13.2 percent), or hiking (9.6 percent). The cause of such orgasms during sport has not yet been fully elucidated .
Cause of orgasm during sport
An anatomical peculiarity could be responsible for the coregasm: In the female body, the lower torso muscles and the pelvic floor muscles are partly connected to the clitoris via connective tissue. Therefore, intense and exhausting abdominal muscle training can lead to indirect stimulation of the clitoris. It could also be the case that crunches, sit-ups etc. also activate surrounding nerve tracts in women , which actually belong to the genital area.
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Coregasm workout: Which exercises lead to the climax?
Exercises or workouts that engage the lower abdominal muscles and pelvic floor are the most likely to cause coregasm. The clitoris is indirectly stimulated by the contraction of the lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, for example during exercises such as leg raises. This can lead to unwanted sexual arousal and even orgasm. It is important that the body is already exhausted to a certain extent . Therefore, before the Coregasm workout, build in a decent cardio session on the treadmill or cross trainer to tire your body.
In addition to leg raises, there are other exercises that can lead to coregasm, such as crunches , bicycle crunches , and plank variations . You can also find exercises for the core gasm or for targeted training of the pelvic floor muscles in books .
Also helpful: The best exercises for beautiful abdominal muscles
More examples of non-sexual orgasms
The same research team that studied the Coregasm in 2011 examined the statements of 687 women about non-sexual orgasms in 2018 . In addition to reports of orgasms during sports, the subjects reported orgasms while driving a car or bicycle , during childbirth and breastfeeding , but also when consuming drugs . The research team came to the conclusion that it is off the classic vaginal and clitoralThere are other types of orgasms that can occur in everyday situations. They are partly triggered by completely different sensory stimuli.
Prevent coregasm: This helps against unwanted orgasms
Climaxing seems like a good thing at first glance. However, in the wrong situations, sexual arousal can be extremely uncomfortable and disturbing. For example, a coregasm can throw you off focus during your workout and mess up your plan—or leave you in an embarrassing situation .
With a few simple tips you can avoid the climax during sports : Are there certain exercises that often make you in a state of excitement? Eliminate these from your workouts and replace them with similar exercises that target the same muscles but don’t induce excitement. For example, you can replace leg raises with reverse crunches or the Russian twist . It can also help to briefly work on a different muscle group and then return to the original abdominal workout. Also, don’t approach your abs when you’re too exhausted. Exhaustion also favors a coregasm.
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