Do you suffer from itching? It doesn’t have to be neurodermatitis . In order to be able to make a reliable diagnosis of this skin disease, other symptoms of neurodermatitis must also be taken into account. In addition to the severe itching, this includes changes in the skin areas typical of this skin disease. These are the crooks of the arms, the hollows of the knees and the face. Especially in adults, recurring non-infectious conjunctivitis, which can be triggered by pollen, can be a sign of neurodermatitis.
The name “neurodermatitis” indicates a skin disease caused by mental stress. But this designation dates back to the 19th century and is outdated from today’s perspective. Nevertheless, the term is still used.
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Causes of skin disease
The causes of developing neurodermatitis, are diverse. Toddlers and babies are far more likely to contract the disease on average. However, it usually decreases over the course of life. Often this happens with the onset of puberty. Only one to three percent suffer from this disease in adulthood. About every 25th person is still affected by neurodermatitis in adulthood. According to current medical knowledge, the skin disease or the predisposition to develop it is hereditary. The likelihood of developing neurodermatitis is significantly increased if one or both parents also suffer from the disease. However, seemingly banal things such as stress can also trigger the disease. It doesn’t matter if the stress is positive or negative. Whether this is acute or latent is not decisive.
An allergen such as house dust mites can also trigger a flare-up. Therefore, this dermatitis (medical term for skin diseases) is also known as atopic eczema or atopic rash. People who develop neurodermatitis in the course of their lives also have an increased risk of suffering from another allergy such as hay fever or asthma.
A disturbance of the intestinal flora can also be related to neurodermatitis. However, it is still unclear whether altered intestinal flora triggers neurodermatitis or whether neurodermatitis leads to altered intestinal flora. The triggering factors of this disease are manifold.
Symptoms of neurodermatitis
In people with neurodermatitis, the immune system reacts hypersensitively to certain substances.
Depending on the severity of the disease, neurodermatitis sufferers show changes in the skin of varying severity. The patient’s skin is reddened and scaly in the affected areas. The skin lacks important fats, which impairs its barrier function. In addition, the skin areas are very itchy. So-called cradle cap is scaling of the scalp. Since the itching associated with the scab tempts you to scratch, the affected areas of the skin become inflamed. Cradle cap owes its name to its appearance. It is often the first sign of later neurodermatitis.
Since neurodermatitis can also occur on the scalp, regular hair loss with the disease phases often occurs in addition to the well-known clinical picture (dandruff and severe itching).
However, not every eczema is neurodermatitis. The causes are completely different: While the trigger for “conventional” eczema is usually an environmental substance (contact eczema), in neurodermatitis it is an internal problem. There is a direct connection between the intestinal flora and the condition of the skin. This manifests itself in chronic skin diseases such as acne and neurodermatitis. Individual food allergies can also be the trigger.
A neurodermatitis occurs in phases, whereby the individual phases can differ in duration and intensity.
Treatment for neurodermatitis
Diet plays an important role in alleviating the chronic disease. However, no evidence has been provided that a specific food causes the allergic reaction. Only you can best determine which foods your body is reacting to and then avoid them. But be careful: A diet that is too unbalanced can quickly lead to deficiency symptoms. You should therefore first observe which foods aggravate your neurodermatitis or that of your child and then draw up a nutrition plan together with your doctor.
Of course, the skin should receive basic care. Since the skin of neurodermatitis patients is often very dry (even between flare-ups), dermatologists recommend using special shower gels and bath additives. This is because they release fats and other important substances into the skin. In general, showering is better than bathing because it takes less time. This anti-inflammatory skin care can give you relief before you treat the disease with medication (for example with cortisone for external use). In addition, the skin should be creamed with special lotions at least twice a day.
To reduce the itching, you can cool the skin areas with a damp washcloth. To avoid further infection, it should not be scratched.
For pregnant women, the individual triggers should always be avoided as much as possible. In general, a flare-up is not harmful to the unborn child. In consultation with the gynecologist, short-term treatment of the allergy with active ingredients is also conceivable in particularly severe cases. If your child is born and develops neurodermatitis in infancy, the same basic care applies as for an adult. However, when choosing the creams et cetera, care should be taken that the child likes the smell of the lotion. And not all ingredients are beneficial. For example, urea can burn the skin of children.
To ensure a healthy intestinal flora , you can use so-called probiotics. These are living microorganisms that are present in yoghurt or buttermilk, for example. However, they are also available as a dietary supplement.
Three home remedies for neurodermatitis:
- Mixing equal parts lavender and almond oil and rubbing it on the affected areas of the skin will relieve itching.
- Get some fresh air. UV light and vitamin D are good for the skin. Just avoid getting sunburned.
- Beetroot juice poultices also relieve symptoms.
What effect can the climate have on the disease?
Since the skin tends to dry out in cold, dry air, those affected usually experience stronger flare-ups in autumn and winter than in summer or spring. In addition, the salty air on the North and Baltic Seas is said to have a positive effect on the skin of neurodermatitis patients.