Natural materials in functional clothing

Sport simply feels better in functional clothing. But the disadvantage: With every wash, the finest abrasion ends up in the wastewater as microplastics. The solution: recycle even more and – where possible – switch to natural materials. We’ll tell you more about it!

Sustainable fashion

Sustainability is more in demand than ever. Green fashion, also known as eco fashion , is a must-have, especially in the fashion sector . What does it mean when you talk about sustainable fashion and which fabrics are allowed? We figured it out and we’re going to let you know!

What does “sustainable fashion” mean?

The term “sustainable fashion” stands for the use of sustainable fabrics that are manufactured under fair production conditions . The social aspects are taken into account in the production of the fashion. But green fashion means more than that, it also stands for the “green lifestyle”, i.e. for the thoughtful lifestyle in many respects, in order to live more environmentally friendly and consciously.

Companies that produce fashion from ecological materials often work with wool manufacturers that use natural processes, avoid unnecessary transport operations and avoid harmful chemicals in cultivation and processing. Instead, they rely on mechanical processes and on the fact that the resource consumption of energy, water and co. is kept as low as possible.

The companies that work with natural materials say that they pay fair wages and ensure reasonable working hours and adequate occupational safety, especially with regard to the machines and toxins towards the employees. The companies are concerned, among other things, with the ban on forced labour, the abolition of child labour, social security and the avoidance of accidents such as that of Rana Plaza in 2013, when a clothing factory in Dhaka (Bangladesh) collapsed and killed thousands of workers.

Which substances are included?

The clothing is made from recycled and ecological natural materials, primarily from organic and recycled cotton. But “Tencel”, a fiber made from wood, castor oil, milk and kapok fibers also help in the biodegradable production of fashion.

Some designers are leading by example, even using discarded CDs, non-violent silk harvested after the caterpillars left, and collected seashells.

You can find more fabrics on the following pages.

What can we do as consumers?

As a consumer, it is important that a wide variety of things made from natural materials are bought so that the environment is not unnecessarily burdened. All plastic waste, for example, should be avoided , be it plastic dishes, cutlery, bags or clothing that consists of a high proportion of plastic. The amount of plastic should be reduced so that the world’s oceans stop polluting, animals stop dying and the percentage of plastic waste is reduced. People should go through life more thoughtfully and think about the environment.


Balances changing temperatures better than synthetics: airy when warm, warming when cold. The women’s hoodie prevents the smell of sweat.

Organic cotton

Cultivated without chemical pesticides and fertilizers, using much less water than conventional cotton. These yoga shorts were made from natural materials, among other things.

Neoprene Alternative

Natural rubber replaces the extremely toxic petroleum-based rubber material. The lining of the Spring Suit is made from recycled polyester.

Recycled PET bottles

Polartec fleece : The particularly light material warms, dries quickly and lets air through – and is 100 percent recycled.

Recycled fishing nets

Cut a good figure on the beach – and at the same time help to reduce the mountain of plastic waste. You can do that best with this sports bikini .

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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