Natural Home remedies to thin the blood

Drugs used to thin the blood often have unpleasant side effects. Blood-thinning foods are a gentle alternative – because they are healthy and anti-inflammatory. Find out here which 19 home remedies help against thick blood.

Cardiovascular diseases such as permanent atrial fibrillation, thrombosis or pulmonary embolism increase the risk of new blood clots forming. To stop blood from clotting and prevent new blood clots, doctors prescribe their patients blood thinners , which can have a variety of dangerous side effects . Drug treatment can lead to internal bleeding, blood in the stool and urine, vascular occlusion and, as a result, heart attacks, embolisms and strokes .

A sensible alternative: treatment with blood thinners from natural home remedies . This is healthier than pharmaceutical therapy. However, patients should never stop taking the medication themselves without consulting their doctor , but seek advice beforehand.
In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases in old age, we recommend using natural foods to prevent them . You can find out here which foods and supplements lower blood pressure, have anti-inflammatory and blood- thinning effects .

What are the causes of thick blood?

Often the cause lies in the way of life and diet . A lack of exercise causes blood to flow more slowly in the veins, which allows platelets to build up on the vessel walls and increase the risk of thrombosis . The risk also increases in connection with obesity and smoking. In addition to the wrong diet and too little exercise, diseases and medication can also contribute to the blood flowing more slowly. This includes:

  • Diabetes
  • Fat metabolism disorder
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism , tumors or autoimmune diseases
  • Oral contraceptives/hormones
  • coagulation disorder
  • Lack of exercise (also due to being bedridden)
  • Smoking (constricts the blood vessels and at the same time causes damage to the blood vessel walls)
  • Unhealthy diet with nutrient deficiency
  • High homocysteine ​​level
  • high blood pressure
  • overweight
  • medication
  • dehydration
  • Hormone preparations such as birth control pills

Natural blood thinners

Blood thinning foods and dietary supplements include the following according to various studies over the past few years. In normal doses, even the combination of two or more natural remedies does not cause any side effects. In case of uncertainties, also how e.g. B. that tolerates a blood-thinning drug with natural blood thinners, you should always consult your doctor ! For healthy people, on the other hand, a diet with blood thinners is not a problem, since the natural remedies have a generally positive effect on health and thus also on blood flow.

Pros and cons of natural blood thinners


  • Natural blood thinners do not replace a doctor or medical treatment.
  • Natural blood thinners do not work immediately, but must be consumed regularly over a long period of time.

Natural substitute for ASS 100: blood thinning foods


You can consume cinnamon to inhibit blood clotting . Cinnamon in the form of high-dose extracts such as cinnamon distillate or essential cinnamon oil has an anticoagulant effect. An aqueous extract, e.g. B. cinnamon tea, has no effect on blood thinning.


Ginger is known as a natural blood thinner Ginger has a particularly blood-thinning effect when taken in high doses. With ginger as a tea or in food, the amount absorbed is too small for a treatment, so it is more used for prevention, as it also improves blood circulation.


Garlic is another alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. With its consumption you prevent cardiovascular diseases. Garlic contains antibiotic properties that lower blood pressure and cholesterol and inhibit blood clotting. As a result, its blood-thinning effect is also suspected, which has not yet been specifically researched.


The spice turmeric has tons of beneficial properties and supports the liver, teeth and helps lower blood sugar. Turmeric is particularly suitable for thinning the blood, as the spice prevents the clumping of blood platelets and thus the formation of blood clots. A Korean study from 2012 researched that the active ingredient curcumin has such a strong blood-thinning effect that medication can be dispensed with if taken daily.


The enzyme bromelain is extracted from pineapples. The home remedy is suitable as a natural alternative as it prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces blood clotting and protects the heart.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Healthy blood flow comes from the action of omega-3 fatty acids . They can be consumed as a dietary supplement or in the form of high quality oils such as hemp and flaxseed oil. In particular, the alpha-linoleic acids in vegetable fats have a positive effect on blood flow by thinning the blood.


The enzyme nattokinase, obtained from fermented soybeans, is anticoagulant and prevents blood platelets from clumping. Because it is an isolated enzyme, the wrong dosage can cause excessive blood thinning.


It is also considered a natural blood thinner: the goji berry . You should be careful in combination with pharmaceutical agents, because the mixture of the two ingredients can promote blood clotting instead of inhibiting it.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a lot of cocoa – a powerful blood thinner. The active ingredients OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) contained in cocoa and the highly concentrated plant substance flavonoids inhibit blood clotting. Flavonoids are mainly found in vegetables such as red cabbage and beetroot and in fruits such as apples.

Oligomers Proanthocyanidin (OPC)

OPC is particularly contained in red wine and grape seed extract and in cocoa. It is obtained from grape seeds or the skin and peel of fruits. The antioxidant protects blood vessels from free radical penetration, reduces swelling and promotes better blood flow. You can buy OPC in pharmacies.

cayenne pepper

The ingredient capsaicin, which is contained in cayenne pepper, promotes blood circulation, has a vasodilating and blood-thinning effect. It is best to consume cayenne pepper raw in juices or salads. You get a stronger effect with high-dose capsaicin from dietary supplements. Again, it is advisable to discuss the dosage with a doctor.


Scientists found that nettles have a relaxing effect on blood vessels. The medicinal herb prevents excessive blood clotting and thereby helps to thin the blood. However, we are not talking about the green leaf here, but the nettle tea, which has been tested in studies.


Hawthorn flowers and leaves contain flavonoids and procyanidins, which are good for blood flow to the heart and thus reduce the risk of blood clots forming. This thins the blood and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Hawthorn can be taken as a tincture, as an extract, or as a tea.


Basil leaves contain vitamin K , which has a blood-thinning effect. Other green vegetables such as broccoli and kale also have a positive effect on thinning the blood. It’s a good idea to eat green and leafy vegetables regularly.


Kiwi and pineapple contain the enzyme bromelain, which has a positive effect on blood thinning. Eating kiwis and pineapples regularly can support proper blood circulation.


Onions are also known as home remedies for thinning blood and also have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the heart and immune system . Even eating half an onion a day can have a positive effect.

olive oil

Olive oil has been proven to have a positive effect on our blood vessels. It promotes blood flow, has an additional anti-inflammatory effect and thus also reduces the risk of strokes. According to studies, weekly consumption of olive oil leads to lower platelet activity, consumption several times a week even leads to the best blood clotting values. You can thus prevent both thrombosis and embolism by regularly consuming olive oil.


The active substance WSTC, which is contained in tomatoes , has the same effect on our blood platelet aggregation as the drug ASS 100 . If you consume the food regularly, up to a third of the ASA effect can be achieved – and all naturally, without a prescription and without side effects! The active ingredient ensures healthy blood circulation and can theoretically be measured immediately.

Bonus tip: swim

Exercise gets our body and the entire cardiovascular system going. Endurance sport is the most natural medicine against heart problems, high blood pressure and thick blood. Swimming is particularly good for stimulating the venous pumps in our legs. The venous return to the heart is not only driven by the activation of the leg and calf muscles . Also the water pressure, which has a constant effect on our body when we swim, causes the used – i.e. low-oxygen – blood to flow back to the heart, so that the lungs can then supply it with new oxygen. This prevents thick blood from pooling in the legs. Probably the best measure to prevent thrombosis.

Measures to prevent thick blood

The best preventive measure is to exercise daily and lead a healthy lifestyle . It helps to get up regularly at work, go for a walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and exercise. Movement increases the blood flow rate. Diet also plays a major role. balanced and nutritious diet with carbohydrates, proteins and good fats prevents deposits forming in the vessels where blood clots can form. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided as far as possible. It is also important that you drink enough water every dayand drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water. Because water ensures that your blood remains thin and does not clot. Our hearts also benefit when you drink a lot. Because thick blood increases blood pressure, which puts a strain on our heart.

How do alcohol and blood thinners relate to each other?

Anyone taking blood thinners should refrain from consuming alcohol, as it has a blood-thinning effect. On the one hand , it reduces the risk of a heart attack , but on the other hand it increases the risk of a stroke after an artery injury. If the blood is too thin, an injury can cause clotting problems , making it difficult to stop the bleeding. It is best to consult a doctor.

Also read: Licorice root can be dangerous for high blood pressure >>

Risks of anticoagulant drugs

As a rule, anticoagulant medications are well tolerated and regular examinations can be used to identify problems in good time. Nevertheless, there is a risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, in the brain and in the event of falls and injuries if the drug is taken with e.g. B. painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is taken.

In some cases, anticoagulants can cause nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, itching, drop in blood pressure and joint pain. Rare side effects include tissue damage, wound healing disorders, skin ulcers and hair loss. These side effects go away when you stop taking the drug.

The risk of osteoporosis associated with so-called oral anticoagulants is particularly important for women. These drugs inhibit the absorption of vitamin K2, which is essential for bone formation and bone density. Especially women after the menopause with a vitamin K2 deficiency develop osteoporosis.

Blood thinning in pregnancy

During pregnancy , the risk of thrombosis, i.e. the formation of a blood clot, is increased. The altered hormonal balance affects blood clotting by reducing the elasticity of the vein walls and causing the blood vessels to dilate. The pressure on the veins in the abdomen also increases as the pregnancy progresses.

Exercise is therefore particularly important as a preventive measure for pregnant women – it stimulates blood circulation and reduces the risk of thrombosis .

If you want to be on the safe side, you should also take blood-thinning medication. This can be medication, eg heparin, or natural blood thinners. Be sure to talk to your doctor about which remedies are suitable for you personally during pregnancy!

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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