Modern laser technology

Clear vision again, away with varicose veins and scars: Modern laser medicine is winning out over conventional treatments – thanks to great healing successes with often only minor side effects.

Almost every third street corner is lasered today, what the socket will give. In fact, laser therapy is often very successful – but only if an experienced surgeon is behind it. Tolfioow describes the most important laser therapies, how they work and what they cost. And says whether the health insurance companies will pay for the procedure.

How do I know if a doctor is good at lasering? 

JA: Does he take a long time for a detailed consultation?

JA: Does he provide you with comprehensive information about the course of the procedure?

JA: Does he thoroughly explain the complications and risks to you?

JA: Does it tell you what success result you can count on?

JA: Does he ask what previous illnesses you had?

JA: Does he ask about hereditary diseases in your family?

JA: Does he tell you how many times he has performed the procedure?

Scoring : You should have answered “yes” 7 times to a reputable expert. In addition, ask him where he acquired his qualifications and whether he belongs to a professional association.

disc problems

Every second German has an issue with the intervertebral discs, and around 70,000 operations are performed each year. The cause is usually a one-sided strain or a weakness of the back muscles.
This is how it works: In order not to damage the nerves in the spinal canal, a high-precision holmium YAG laser is used. Under local anesthesia, the doctor advances the laser through a mini incision to the damaged disc. There he shrinks her gelatinous core with flashes of light until it no longer presses on her nerves. However, the 30-minute procedure is only suitable for fresh, lighter herniated discs.
Success: About 70 percent of the patients live pain-free afterwards.
Costs: the registers pay.


Acquired short-sightedness is usually caused by the eye doing more “near work”, for example by reading. As a result, the number of “moles” has tripled since 1968 to over 50 million today. And as we get older, almost everyone becomes farsighted.
This is how it works: The Lasik method (lat.: “laser in situ keratomileusis” = “reshaping of the cornea using laser energy in the tissue”) is used most frequently. Under local anesthetic, the top layer of the cornea is removed and opened like a kind of lid. On the pain-insensitive cornea underneath, the laser ablates a previously precisely calculated part. The ametropia is corrected in just a few seconds.
Success:More than 90 percent of the patients can see again without problems just four days later. Suitable for nearsighted people up to -10 and farsighted people up to +4 dioptres.
Costs: 800 to 1200 euros per eye. The tills don’t pay.

Laser medicine scars away

scar correction

The “body repair shop” cannot close deep wounds without leaving a trace. He fills it up with connective tissue as needed – a scar is formed.
How it works: With fractional laser therapy, thousands of precisely placed flashes of light stimulate the build-up of collagen in the skin . The body creates new healthy tissue to replace the imperfect ones in the scar. She fades badly.
Success: Acne scars improve in over 95 percent. Even “keloid scars” are significantly less visible.
Costs: depending on size 300 to 450 euros. Many registers pay.

On average, laser therapies are 89% successful and painless

varicose veins

One in three women has blood stagnating in their legs due to defective venous valves. The veins widen into sacs like varicose veins.
This is how it works:
 During the approx. one-hour EVLT (Endovenous Laser Therapy), a vascular specialist inserts an extremely thin laser light guide into the vein via a small incision below the knee under local anesthesia. The laser is activated and slowly withdrawn. In doing so, it releases thermal energy that “welds” the varicose vein.
 More than 90 percent are symptom-free after the operation. Costs: 1500 to 2000 euros per operation. No checkout service.

Heavy sweating

Around 2.5 million women and men suffer from what is known as hyperhidrosis. The cause of the pathological hyperactivity of the sweat glands has not yet been clarified.
This is how it works:
 Under local anesthetic, a fine laser fiber is inserted into the armpit via a micro-incision. It melts away the sweat glands in five minutes.
 permanent, because sweat glands do not grow back.
 The price for both armpits is around 1850 euros. The tills don’t pay.

Pain in the back, neck and joints

Concentrated computer work, long car journeys or cold, damp weather – 24 percent of Germans suffer from chronic neck, back and joint pain. How it works: The soft laser works with bundled light beams that are too weak to noticeably heat the tissue. However, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and activate blood circulation and metabolism. Success: The pain improves noticeably in 69 percent of the patients. Costs: Laser therapy usually includes 15 treatments at 15 to 45 euros each. Health insurance companies don’t pay.

No kidney stones with laser treatment

Blood sponges, broomsticks and rosacea

It is not yet clear why seven percent of adults suffer from rosacea and even more from hemangiomas. Spider veins, on the other hand, are caused by a weakness in the connective tissue.
This is how it works: A neodymium-YAG laser sends a short pulse of light in the green-yellow spectral range through the skin . The red blood pigment catches the energy. The vessels heat up briefly and are destroyed.
 All three health problems disappear immediately after the procedure.
 depending on size 100 to 450 euros. The health insurance companies do not cover the costs.

bladder and kidney stones

The number of urinary stone diseases has tripled since 2002. Today almost every 20th German citizen is affected. The cause is the growing obesity of the population.
How it works:
 The patient lies under general anesthesia during the laser lithotripsy, which breaks up the stones. The urologist uses a pulsed holmium laser to advance a flexible quartz fiber through the urethra into the ureter, bladder or kidney. The laser automatically detects whether it is dealing with a stone or tissue – and vaporizes the stones with just a few shots. Success: The procedure is 90 percent successful. Costs: The minimally invasive procedure is part of the list of benefits provided by health insurance companies.


Warts are contagious, sharply demarcated growths on the upper layer of the skin. They are usually caused by one of over 100 human papillomaviruses. This is how it works: The neodymium YAG laser destroys the wart’s blood vessels and starves them out. It dries up and later falls off. The procedure is gentle, bloodless and painless. Success: Over 80 percent of patients get rid of their warts. Costs: approx. 450 euros. The registers usually do not pay.


80 percent of women have inflamed gums from time to time due to poor oral hygiene.
This is how it works: With the photodynamic therapy “Pact”, the dentist rinses the oral cavity with the dye toluidine blue, which stains the bacteria in one minute. A weak red laser light then activates the color molecules. Consequence: Active oxygen forms on the bacteria, which destroys their cell walls.
Success: The laser works three times better than conventional methods. 99.9 percent of the bacteria are killed in 30 to 60 seconds.
 approx. 200 euros. The health insurance companies do not participate.

Laser beams against pigment spots

nail fungus

In the swimming pool, in the sauna or in the gym, fungal spores nest in the toenails. 13 percent of all adults struggle with the very stubborn fungus.
Here’s how it works: The lunula laser penetrates the nail without damaging it. But he heats the mushrooms to 45 to 60 degrees. they are dying. The laser also stimulates blood circulation, thereby strengthening the immune system.
Success: is 80 percent.
Costs: Approx. 60 to 80 euros per session, usually two are necessary.

Tattoo removal

Tattoo removals have increased by 50 percent. Although they are painful and the split pigments can accumulate in the liver or lymph nodes.
How it works: Pulsed laser light penetrates the lower layers of the skin, where the pigments absorb it. They break down into small pieces that are carried away by the lymphatic system.
Success: Tattoos can usually be removed without leaving any scars.
Costs: between 400 and 1000 euros, depending on the size and type of tattoo. The tills don’t pay.

Pigment Flecken

Freckles are caused by UV rays in early youth, age spots when the skin is unprotected and exposed to intense sunlight for many years.
This is how it works: A ruby ​​laser uses short flashes of light to break down the pigments into the smallest fragments, which the body then breaks down.
Success: Well over 95 percent are happy about flawless skin again.
Costs: depending on size 300 to 450 euros. The tills don’t pay.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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