Promote health with Metabolic Balance

In order to remain healthy, efficient and fit, the body needs a balanced diet – a diet that contains all of our nutrients in sufficient quantities and in a balanced ratio. Many health problems can be traced back to metabolic disorders. If you feel drained over a longer period of time and suffer from recurring infections, you should have your metabolism checked and change your diet. The metabolic program Metabolic Balance , which is considered a holistic method and motivates a change in diet and leads to a change in lifestyle, is ideal for this.

Worth knowing background information about the metabolic program Metabolic Balance

Many experts agree that the body has a natural ability to keep itself healthy. The prerequisite for this, however, is that it is supplied with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But nowadays, when many people no longer cook themselves but ready-made products dominate the menu, this is not always guaranteed. Fast food and highly processed foods are poorly suited to meet all nutritional needs.

In addition, each person metabolizes the food they eat individually. Not only the outer appearance, but also the inner life is unique. Some substances that are generally considered healthy are not optimally tolerated by everyone. Changing your diet without knowing your current status doesn’t necessarily make sense. This is exactly where Metabolic Balance comes in: The menu is individually tailored to your personal needs. The aim is to get a slowed down metabolism going again and to bring the body back into balance over the long term. This lays the foundation for alleviating mood disorders such as headaches, migraines or joint pain. Civilization diseases such as diabetes mellitus Fat metabolism disorders or high blood pressure can be positively influenced. And quite incidentally – as a positive side effect – there is also a weight reduction.

Metabolic Balance is a scientifically based nutrition program that has been developed over many years by Dr. med Wolf Funfack and the nutritionist Silvia Bürkle. Medical and nutritional studies on the topics of nutrition and metabolism and associated diseases such as diabetes, dyslipidemia or obesity formed the basis for the development of the program. In the process, the understanding of the “chemistry of the body” and the decisive role that hormones and enzymes play in metabolism grew more and more. In the early 1990s, Metabolic Balance was only planned for the family doctor’s practice, but the desire to help other affected people was so great that, at the beginning of 2002, Metabolic Balance was finally offered beyond the home borders.

How the Metabolic Balance program works

For a healthier diet and lifestyle, one of the first steps is a precise personal anamesis. This serves as the basis for comprehensive advice and aims to create a comprehensive picture of the participant’s current situation. The following aspects are relevant for the creation of an individual nutrition plan:

  • Previous illnesses of the patient
  • existing health problems
  • Regularly taken medication
  • Already known food intolerances and allergies

Since enjoyment also plays a decisive role in healthy eating, individual preferences are also asked about. After all, Metabolic Balance is not a diet, but rather a nutritional program aimed at a long-term change in diet.

In order to be able to create a tailor-made nutrition plan, a blood test is also necessary. Based on the blood values ​​- 36 values ​​are determined – it can be analyzed which nutrients are insufficient and which ones are sufficiently supplied. The blood also tells us how well the organs are functioning and whether there is inflammation or a risk of disease. The blood analysis combined with the personal information and the food ingredients form the basis for the individual Metabolic Balance nutrition plan. In this way, the right food is selected for each participant – with the nutrients that are important for him, which optimally support and balance his metabolism.

A brief introduction to the phases of the Metabolic Balance program

The change in diet according to the Metabolic Balance metabolism program can be imagined as training. After all, people who have preferred their sofa to their sports shoes for years do not start immediately with a marathon. Just as you have to prepare tendons, ligaments and muscles for the big challenge, your metabolism also needs some time to get used to the changed food intake.

In the two-day preparation phase, the body is attuned to the change. This process is supported with a colon cleansing. Epsom salt, Glauber’s salt or FX Passage have proven to be suitable. Similar to the relief days before fasting, you should eat easily digestible foods during this time. Potatoes, rice and cooked vegetables are excellent for this. After that, the plan goes into the two-week, strict conversion phase. It is important to follow the instructions exactly so that the metabolism can be regulated. It is definitely worth persevering: The balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates relieves the metabolism and the nutrients are better absorbed. Exactly what foods to eat can be viewed in the personal grocery list. It is different for everyone and depends on the results of the blood test and the details of the medical history.

After two weeks, the strict phase is relaxed and other foods are integrated into the menu. It’s about finding out which foods are good for you. Here is the key to success: By changing your diet according to Metabolic Balance, the body’s inner signals are perceived again. You learn to listen to the legendary “gut feeling” again and to consciously perceive the needs of the body Metabolic Balance recommends the following nutrient distribution:

  • 20-25 percent of total energy comes from fat sources
  • around 25-30 percent is made up of proteins
  • Carbohydrates make up 40 to 45 percent

Eating breaks of at least 5 hours between meals also contribute to the success of the Metabolic Balance diet. They give the body the opportunity to metabolize the food eaten and break down fat.

The principle of glycemic load in Metabolic Balance

One of the pillars on which the Metabolic Balance program is based is the glycemic load (GL). It provides information about the effect the consumption of certain foods has on the blood sugar level and thus also on the release of insulin. Because a high insulin level not only blocks fat loss, but also has a negative effect on many hormones.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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