Lose belly fat: Can you lose weight specifically on the stomach?

Belly fat is extremely harmful to health and usually very uncomfortable for those affected. But what is the best way to get rid of belly fat? And is it even possible to lose weight specifically on the stomach? Find out here!

Belly fat: Visceral fat is so dangerous!

“Better plump and fit than skinny and unfit?” It depends on! A bit of flab on the hips, legs or upper arms is significantly less of a health risk than fat deposits on the abdomen. But why is that? The fatty tissue stored in the abdomen – called visceral fat – is in an unfavorable position because it grows around organs such as the liver, intestines or pancreas. It is more dangerous than subcutaneous fatty tissue – called subcutaneous fat – because it is hormonally particularly active.

What does hormonally active mean? Visceral abdominal fat secretes hormones or messenger substances that trigger and fuel inflammation throughout the body . As a result, it increases the risk of arteriosclerosis (“hardening of the arteries”), type 2 diabetes  and cancer, which has been found in numerous studies . The fat deposits on the stomach are therefore particularly dangerous and harmful to your health. But how do I recognize visceral fat?

How much waist circumference is too much?

What does being overweight actually mean and when is a big belly too big? Overweight is usually equated with a BMI between 25 and 30. Obesity begins at a BMI of 30 . However, the BMI is not an optimal measurement variable, as muscular people also weigh more and therefore have a higher BMI. Many strength athletes would therefore be classified as overweight or even obese based on their BMI. For non-athletes, however, the BMI serves as a good guide.

The best way to measure your state of health with little effort and expense is actually the waist circumference . This can be measured with a simple measuring tape – at about the height of the navel. It becomes a health risk for women with a  waist circumference of 82 cm or more  (men from 94 cm). However, it is even more meaningful to compare the waist circumference with the hip circumference – measured at the level of the widest point on the hip bones. Everything about measurement and calculation can be found here >>

Tip: Visually, too, visceral fat is relatively easy to recognize based on the apple shape, which is more typical of men’s bellies  .

What Foods Promote Belly Fat?

On the one hand, a calorie surplus , ie consuming more calories than your body burns, is responsible for weight gain. However, there are also certain foods that lead to fat storage in the body. This includes all high-glycemic foods, i.e. those products that are rich in sugar. This includes not only sweets, pastries or chocolate, but also sugary muesli, milk coffee as well as bananas and grapes. Yes, fruit tends to be healthy, but should be consumed in moderation. Fructose also has an effect on your insulin level and thus on fat storage in the body.

What do insulin and blood sugar have to do with belly fat? A lot, because any spike in blood sugar levels as a result of a high-sugar meal or snack triggers insulin release from the pancreas. This insulin sucks up the sugar from the blood and transports it to the muscles and liver. It’s actually a good thing, but when this keeps happening, the muscle and liver sugar stores are full and the liver converts the sugar into fat for storage. Frequent and sugary meals lead to an increase in your body fat percentage and thus in belly fat.

Therefore avoid sugar and short-chain carbohydrates in the form of white flour products, muesli bars and sweet drinks. Instead, grab low-sugar fruits like blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries when you get the cravings. It is best to replace white flour products with whole grain products. These have more nutrients and fiber and keep you full longer. Also, leave several hours between meals to flatten your insulin levels. Snacks should be the exception and not the rule!

Also helpful: fattening foods – these 11 foods prevent you from losing weight! >>

What are the best fat killers?

Lose fat and lose weight by eating? However, what seems like a dream is possible. There are certain foods that actively stimulate fat burning and thus promote the reduction of abdominal fat . Calories are the biggest contributor to weight loss, but there are a few tricks you can use to shed fat even faster. For example, vinegar – whether apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar – causes the AMP kinase to be activated in the body. This enzyme mobilizes fat from our fat cells so it’s ready for us to burn and generate energy.

You can find the best fat killers here:  Fat burners – these 7 foods stimulate your metabolism >>

In addition, the classic digestive walk works wonders against high blood sugar and the resulting belly fat.
Tip: Take a brisk 20-minute walk after every meal to minimize insulin release and maximize fat loss !

Do certain exercises help against belly fat?

The myth that sit-ups, crunches, and other abdominal exercises are the quickest way to get rid of belly fat still persists. While these exercises are useful for building abdominal muscles, strengthening your core, and improving your posture. However, the abdominal muscles are a rather small muscle group that hardly burns any energy. In addition to abdominal exercises, you should therefore train your largest muscles in particular – your legs and bottom. Leg training is the best way to both burn calories and fat and build big muscles, which in turn burn fat consistently at rest.

In addition, build easy endurance units into your everyday life. At low intensities, oxidative lipolysis – the burning of fat with the supply of oxygen – is increasingly used to generate energy. We recommend that people who are very overweight have relaxed but long sessions on the bike, inline skates , trampoline or in the swimming pool to protect their joints. If you are only slightly overweight, you should also go jogging .

Tip: Fat loss through exercise is often overestimated because while exercise burns calories, it often comes with increased hunger or a “reward” after exercise. Therefore, always pay attention to your diet and build muscle to permanently lose belly fat.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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