Liver and Gallbladder Problems: Remedies

After a particularly sumptuous meal, many people struggle with digestive problems. Here you will find an overview of the remedies that help against liver and gallbladder problems.

Who does not know this: The last meal is heavy like a stone in the stomach. It is possible that our digestive organs vent their anger at the sumptuous food with flatulence or heartburn. The experts call it dyspeptic symptoms. From the age of 50, these problems occur more often because the intestine loses elasticity, stomach and liverproduce less digestive juices. However, they are necessary in order to optimally process the food and the fats it contains. The most important rules to avoid dyspepsia in the first place are: eat regularly, not too fast, not too much. Chew enough. And avoid fatty dishes. Everything logical. But who manages to stick to it all the time? In such cases and when alcohol, medicines or environmental pollution also weaken the liver, phytotherapy and homeopathy offer effective help.

You should also consult a doctor for all symptoms that last longer than a week and recur regularly, as well as for unclear symptoms.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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