With a surface area of 400 square meters, our intestines are very large — the size of a soccer field. His digestive power is amazing: in 75 years he can channel 30 tons of food and 50,000 liters of liquid through his body. And the gut is also ingenious, because its eight meter long loop system works like a perfect multitasker. It not only filters outTolfioow components from food, but also houses 80 percent of the immune system in the intestinal flora. This makes the intestinal walls the body’s most effective line of defense against bacteria.
And exactly where we feel the fluttering of butterflies with excitement and emotion, our gut brain is also located. The intestine is surrounded by over 100 million nerve cells – more than in the entire spinal cord. Its cell types, active ingredients and receptors are an exact image of the head brain. They not only control joy and sorrow in humans, but also whether the immune system is healthy and thus general health.
Table of Contents
The gut – the control center for body and soul
Our control center for body and soul is highly sensitive and prone to failure. On the next few pages you will find the most effective measures for a healthier gut – and a list of the things that make our gut sick.
The digestive process
Via the esophagus and the stomach, the food pulp reaches the small intestine ready for processing with the participation of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas as well as peristalsis, i.e. the movements of the intestinal sections. There, the “good” nutrients are filtered out and released into the blood and thus into the body. What we don’t need, or what could actually harm us, moves on to the large intestine and is then excreted. So the digestion factory in our midst is at the same time an energy production and waste disposal company. In order for the complex interaction of the organs to function, the entire area has its own control center: the enteric nervous system, also called abdominal brain. It is made up of around 100 million nerve cells – the spinal cord has no more than that – and forms the same messenger substances as the brain, e.g. B. Serotonin, the feel-good hormone. So our stomach can make us happy. But also unhappy when the irritated intestine sounds the alarm.
Intestinal health: Nothing works without important intestinal bacteria
The many millions of bacteria that colonize our intestinal wall are also part of the digestive team. During their work, the decomposition of the unusable food components, gases are produced. Most of it passes through the intestinal wall and enters the lungs via the bloodstream, and we just breathe it out. If too much gas forms, the intestinal wall expands. Scientists now know that in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, the nerve endings react to small stimuli at an early stage and immediately send pain signals to the brain. In any case, flatulence is not only uncomfortable, it can radiate so far that it feels like heart trouble. Of course, there are still fears.
In addition, the fine-tuning of bowel movements does not seem to work properly in irritable bowel syndrome. Muscle movements falter or become overactive. If the muscle movements are too slow, there will be congestion in the intestinal passage, more and more liquid will be withdrawn from the stool and it will thicken – this is what we know as constipation . But transporting it too quickly also causes problems: If too much water gets into the large intestine or if the absorption mechanism doesn’t do its job, the intestinal contents simply rush through – we get diarrhea. And when the muscles contract so much that they can no longer relax, we end up writhing in spasms. If we have eaten something spoiled or caught an infection, this can happen to any of us. The symptoms are then side effects of the defense and healing program of the intestine.
By the way: Intestinal bacteria also support our immune system! If the intestinal flora, consisting of all the microorganisms that colonize our intestines, is out of balance, infections usually increase. With probiotic foods you can naturally strengthen the intestinal flora. They rebuild the immune system by suppressing unwanted germs. Intestinal cleansing and probiotic powder can also counteract such an imbalance.
Gut health – when is my gut unhealthy?
If the confusion of stomach and intestinal problems such as flatulence and digestive problems develops into a permanent state without inflammation or infection, if the symptoms alternate or occur in combination, this no longer has anything to do with normal function. In addition to disturbed intestinal peristalsis, increased permeability or immune activity of the intestinal mucosa can also trigger irritable bowel syndrome, as can a gastrointestinal infection . The psyche also has an influence on digestion and intestinal health through the lively exchange of data between the brain and abdominal brain – and vice versa. Nerve cells send their signals back and forth between the brain and intestines via the so-called vagus nerve. 90% of the communication comes from the gut – and only 10% of the signals from our brain.Stress is one of the proven triggers of irritable bowel syndrome, either way it makes symptoms worse or prevents them from going away.
Important: If your intestinal problems last longer and are accompanied by symptoms such as severe pain during bowel movements, fever or blood in the stool, you should consult a doctor immediately. The same applies to people who have to push hard when removing.
Our control center for body and soul is highly sensitive and prone to failure. On the next few pages you will find the most effective measures for a healthy gut – and a list of the things that make our gut sick.
the gut
This leads to a healthy gut
- To support intestinal health, the German Society for Nutrition in Bonn recommends integrating at least 30 GRAM OF FIBER into the diet every day. Because: dietary fiber in food protects the intestinal walls from toxic substances. 30 grams in total are e.g. Contained in: 1 slice of wholemeal bread, 1 portion of muesli with nuts, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 1 boiled potato, 1 portion of wholegrain rice, 1 portion of lamb’s lettuce, 1 carrot, 1 apple with skin, 1 portion of strawberries and 10 hazelnuts.
- Whether in between in the office or on the go – STANDING STORK is a perfect exercise to train the intestinal muscles and activate digestion. Here’s how it works: Step on the spot for 1 minute, then pull one thigh up towards your stomach. 5 times right, 5 times left. Stand on your right leg, pull your left thigh towards your body. Hold your stomach firmly with both arms and hold this position for 5 seconds. Switch to the other leg. Repeat 5 times, 10 times a day.
- Natural probiotics such as yoghurt, kefir or whey strengthen the intestinal flora with their LACTIC ACID BACTERIA and support the immune system. Special probiotic drinks made from fat-free skimmed milk contain billions of active, particularly healthy Shirota bacteria (eg “Yakult”).
- Wake up a tired gut: a daily 5-MINUTE ENERGY MASSAGE . To do this, lie on your back and bend your legs slightly. Using a soft brush, slowly stroke the abdominal wall in a clockwise direction. From the bottom right up, to the left over the stomach and down again. Begin with sweeping circles that include the chest and parts of the pelvis. Then make the circles smaller again until they end at the navel. Then expand the circles again. If the intestines go on strike anyway, drops with the active ingredient sodium picosulfate (e.g. ” Dulcolax “), which activates the large intestine muscles and thus the intestinal movement, help.
- There are numerous spices that stimulate the production of digestive juices in the bile, pancreas and especially in the intestines. Above all, the two Asian exotics GINGER AND TURMERIC . Ginger inhibits the growth of colon bacteria, which cause bloating, and promotes the growth of lactic acid bacteria for a healthy intestinal flora. Recent studies also show that turmeric reduces the risk of colon cancer and promotes health.
- FERMENTED FOODS like sauerkraut also provide probiotic bacteria that encourage the growth of positive bacteria. They also contain fiber, which stimulates intestinal activity and thus digestion. Dietary fibers are also an important helper in case of constipation.
- To keep your intestines from becoming sluggish, you should DRINK one and a half to two liters of WATER every day.
- Always take TIME when eating. If you chew thoroughly, you won’t get too much air in your intestines.
The gut
It damages our gut
- A team of researchers from Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia, has shown for the first time that STRESS reduces the number of healthy lactic acid bacteria in the intestine. One of the reasons why we not only have to struggle with digestion in exam situations or in life crises, but also get an infection more easily because the immune system is shut down and bacteria can attack our health more easily.
- Obese women with a body mass index of over 30 and a WAIST MEASURING 88 CENTIMETERS or more develop colorectal cancer significantly more often than slim ones. If women over the age of 30 gain a lot of weight, their risk increases by a factor of 2.4. They are also 7 times more likely to get gallstones; 70 percent will develop fatty liver without drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. All of these factors contribute to the fact that not enough digestive juices are formed and digestion is impaired.
- Too much, too fat and too plentiful – the intestines often promptly respond to WRONG NUTRITION with flatulence, constipation or diarrhoea. A high-fat diet, for example, tends to make the intestines sluggish. For example, women get along well with 50 grams of fat per day. However, recent surveys show that their average consumption is well over 100 grams. Too much alcohol irritates and damages the lining of the small intestine. Roasted substances in coffee or in grilled burgers and steaks can also affect the healthy intestine.
- Scientists are discovering more and more how much LACK of EXERCISE damages our health and that of the intestines. Anyone who burns fewer than 1500 calories per week (equivalent to walking 3 times 1 hour per week) through sport risks a sluggish intestine with less blood flow. The chyme literally gets caught in its loops. Constipation, painful intestinal gases and harmful substances in the intestinal mucosa occur.
- The list is long: All kinds of MEDICATIONS can damage the intestinal flora and lead to diarrhea . These include antibiotics, acid binders for the stomach, birth control pills, cholesterol-lowering drugs, diuretics or blood pressure lowering drugs.