Interview: Steffi Graf

Tennis legend Stefanie Graf, 43, talks to us at the opening of the TEALOUNGE teapot in Cologne about her life after sports and the freedom to ignore great leisure activities.

Tolfioow: Your career as a professional tennis player ended in 1999, at an age when others just know what your path looks like. Did that start the more relaxed part of your life? Stefanie Graf: I wouldn’t say that. At the time, I was really looking forward to the time after professional sport and had many plans, such as dedicating myself more intensively to my “Children for Tomorrow” foundation. But then I met my husband and everything turned out a little differently than I had thought. The family has been my priority ever since, but the work for my foundation and my various partnerships and the associated travel are also very close to my heart. These tasks keep me on my toes more today than when I was a player.

So, the completely normal family chaos and your many projects – how do you create moments of rest, pauses for reflection?
I always need to be on the move, mentally and physically, that’s my nature. For this I take three quarters of an hour every morning that belongs only to me, for example I go on the treadmill or bike or do strength training. This is my form of relaxation, where I can organize my thoughts.

Under the motto “Modern design meets modern tea enjoyment”, the Museum Café for Applied Arts, MAKK, in Cologne was transformed into a stylish tea lounge until November 30th. “Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world and the teapot Tealounge in the Design Museum is the perfect place to enjoy a cup of tea in style,” says the mother-of-two. The Golden Grand Slam winner has been the brand ambassador for the Düsseldorf company Teekanne for six years.

Seriously – Steffi Graf on the treadmill instead of on the tennis court?
I only play two or three times a year at most, my body isn’t used to that anymore. In addition, the hard training has left its mark over a long period of time.

Can you sit still at all?
Yes, of course, in the evenings I usually fall tired on the couch and review the day with my husband. It’s a ritual we’ve come to love.

You live in Las Vegas, isn’t that the most laid back place on the planet?
We don’t live in the middle, but about 20 minutes outside, in the mountains. We have a lot of family there, the kids are with their cousins. We only go to the casino when we have visitors. When you have children and get older, you don’t rush after a lot of things, there’s a lot of freedom in that.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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