Information about couples therapy

Information on couple therapy – methods, duration, costs. Which methods are possible? Three therapies have prevailed.

Table of Contents

1. The systemic therapy:

She does not see the behavior of the partner as a person, but as a result or symptom of the couple and family relationships (the system). It’s about disentangling and rethinking strained and burdensome connections, as well as tracking down and using unused strengths of the system, i.e. the partnership.

2. Behavior therapy:

The couple examines their (communication) behavior with the therapist in order to detect unhealthy patterns (example: “Whenever he says this sentence, I’m immediately at 180.”). Important: What do I think and feel when and why (the cognitive level)? And: Which thoughts and feelings make it easier for me and my partner (the metacognitive level)?

3. The depth psychological therapy:

Some of the emotional and behavioral patterns that we show in a romantic relationship were acquired in childhood. Often, however, the partners are not even aware of the childlike aspects they are aware of, e.g. B. “intervene” in disputes and make the approach more difficult. The depth psychological couple therapy makes such (early) childhood patterns aware and helps to change them.

How long does the therapy last?
Sometimes just a few sessions are enough to show a clueless couple new ways. In the case of larger problems, however, couples also come for therapy every two to four weeks for one to two years.

How much does couples therapy cost?
The hourly rates for therapists are usually between 60 and 120 euros. The costs are not covered by statutory health insurance. At church or state advice centers, the help is significantly cheaper, sometimes even free of charge. Usually all that is asked is a donation.

How do couples find a therapist?
Watch out! Terms such as “couples therapist” or “couples counselor” are not protected by law, so no guarantee of qualification.

The information service of the Professional Association of German Psychologists , the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists or the German Association of Psychotherapists . Can also help with the search.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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