Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is extremely painful and uncomfortable. Typical symptoms of gastritis are severe abdominal pain and gastrointestinal problems. Find out how you can still recognize gastric mucosal inflammation.
The main task of our stomach is to temporarily store the food we eat, break it down and pass it on to the intestines for further digestion . In the body of the stomach, the largest part of the organ, food is mixed with gastric juice and enzymes. We produce about 3 to 4 liters of gastric juice every day. Thanks to the hydrochloric acid it contains, the food is broken down and the proteins it contains are broken down. In addition, stomach acid kills bacteria. To protect the stomach from this aggressive acid, the gastric mucosa is covered with a thin film. If this mucous membrane is irritated or damaged, it can become inflamed.
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What is gastric mucosal inflammation?
In the case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa – also known as gastritis – a distinction is made between an acute and a chronic form. Acute gastritis is usually accompanied by symptoms. Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa can hardly cause any symptoms and is usually only discovered when a stomach ulcer has formed.
Signs of acute gastritis
Acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa is manifested by the following symptoms:
- pain in the upper abdomen. If you press on the affected area, the pain increases further.
- bloating
- heartburn
- Frequent belching
- loss of appetite
- Bloated stomach
- Nausea, sometimes with vomiting
Acute gastritis usually heals on its own. Doctors recommend avoiding solid food or eating only light meals for two days. Sick people should drink normally and preferably drink still water or herbal tea. In addition, medications that inhibit gastric acid production can provide relief. However, you should consult your doctor beforehand about whether and which medications can be taken. Incidentally, acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa can take a chronic course.
Signs of chronic gastritis
With chronic gastric mucosal inflammation, the symptoms are less pronounced than with acute gastritis. Those affected have little or only slight symptoms. This includes
- bloating
- gas
- burping
Since the symptoms are rather unspecific and can also occur with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should have the symptoms clarified by a doctor at an early stage in order to determine the exact cause. Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa can have other long-term health consequences. As already mentioned, a stomach or duodenal ulcer can form.
Causes of gastric mucosal inflammation
There are various triggers that can attack and damage the protective mucous membrane. For example, excessive alcohol consumption, nicotine, stomach-irritating foods such as coffee or hot spices, and taking medication can be responsible for acute gastritis. In most cases, chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).
Treatment of gastric mucosal inflammation
If you suffer from acute gastritis, it helps to go without food for a day or two or to only eat light meals. Rusks, oatmeal or boiled white rice are considered to be easy on the stomach. Drink plenty of still water or herbal teas. In order not to further irritate the gastric mucosa, you should avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, hot spices and greasy, sugared and fried foods. To reduce the production of stomach acid, you can take certain stomach acid blockers. Talk to your doctor beforehand about whether and which medication is suitable for you.