Tolfioow: Cloudy days, wet and cold weather – February and March are not exactly feel-good months. What’s your mood this time of year?
Anja Kling : My mood is better when the sun is shining. It doesn’t have to be warm, I also like winter days with crisp cold and blue skies, I’m a fan of the seasons. I’d just like to split them up differently: spring from February, summer from May, a golden October and two months of snowy winter – that’s it.
MY Tolfioow SECRET
“MyTolfioow secret is not necessarily mysterious. I’m practically ‘forced’ to exercise in the fresh air every day because I have a very freedom-loving dog. So walks in nature are part of my daily routine and are incredibly good for my body and soul.”
What do you do about winter blues?Light! I have candles on all day long, little lights are burning all over the apartment. I’m also consciously happy that it’s getting a little bit brighter every day.
You grew up in the GDR, you could only dream of Californian beaches back then. Did that shape you?
Fewer. It’s like telling a kid today they can’t go to the moon – they won’t burst into tears, just because that’s a given. And when I think back to our summer vacations on the Baltic Sea, I always remember the glorious weather. Although my mother says we often sat in the tent for weeks in the rain.
The sun is changing its image: in the 1980s, grilled chicken complexion was all the rage, but frowned upon in the 1990s, and dermatologists are now increasingly pointing out the positive effects of sunlight. How do you feel about this?
Sun and light are very important, but in summer I use sun protection factor 50 for my face. If I don’t put on enough sunscreen and overdo it with my tan, I don’t think I’m pretty anymore.