Hypothyroidism and losing weight: This is how it works

Those who suffer from an underactive thyroid usually have greater difficulty maintaining or losing weight. How you can still lose unwanted kilos, read here.

What is hypothyroidism?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped organ located below the larynx on the windpipe. It produces theTolfioow thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) from protein and iodine. If the thyroid produces fewer hormones than the body needs, it is called hypothyroidism . There is no cure for an underactive thyroid, but it can be treated with medication. It mainly affects women from the age of 40 to 50.

The most common cause of an underactive thyroid is chronic thyroid inflammation, which destroys the tissue. The autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is usually the underlying cause. Gradually, an underactive thyroid develops, which initially only shows minor, harmless symptoms. The symptoms are varied and can affect different organs and processes in the body. Typical physical signs are tiredness, sensitivity to cold, poor memory, depressive moods or muscle weakness .

Can you lose weight with an underactive thyroid?

Due to the lack of thyroid hormones, all metabolic processes in the body are slowed down. For this reason, hypothyroidism often triggers weight gain, even when affected patients eat normally. Body weight also increases due to fluid retention between organs and cells. “If you have an underactive thyroid, it’s hard to lose weight,” says Dr. Matthias Riedl, specialist in internal medicine, diabetologist and nutritionist from Hamburg in our Instagram Live. “It is therefore important to look at the causes of hypothyroidism.”

Another requirement is that the thyroid hormones are well adjusted. Those affected should therefore have their values ​​​​and medication checked regularly. Another tip that Dr. Riedl gives sick people who would like to lose weight: Get professional medical support.

Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise

The following applies to both sick and healthy people: weight loss occurs through the interaction of diet and exercise. Sick people should eat a low-calorie, but balanced and varied mixed diet. This consists of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean fish . It is better for those affected to avoid finished products, sweets and foods with saturated fatty acids. Constant snacking can also make you fat, since snacking between meals causes our blood sugar levels to rise rapidlyand secretion of insulin. Too much insulin is stored as fat. Therefore, eat your fill at the main meals. In order to lose weight in a healthy and long-term manner, a permanent change in diet and no short-lived crash diets is advisable. Exercise regularly and, above all, focus on sports that you enjoy so that you stick with it in the long term.

Instagram Live: “Weight Loss Frustration” with Dr. Matthew Riedl

Nutrition Doc Dr. Matthias Riedl ( @drmatthiasriedl ) has answered  your burning questions about weight loss frustration on our Instagram  account @vital_magazin . From minute 15:45 he gives tips on what people with hypothyroidism should consider when losing weight.

Our recommendation: If you want to make your diet healthier in the long term, Dr. Riedl’s “myFoodDoctor” nutritional app .

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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