Stimulate metabolism: How to speed up your metabolism

At 9 p.m. the metabolism goes to sleep, at 7 a.m. it is wide awake again. Fire up your metabolism every hour throughout the day and you’ll feel better all over and burn fat. We’ll show you how the metabolic clock ticks throughout the day.

Stimulate your metabolism!

Do something for your metabolism 13 times a day – not exactly a little. But it’s worth it: With this power program, you’ll really stimulate your metabolism. Treat yourself as often as possible, eg every Saturday or Sunday. Afterwards you will feel fitter, more resilient and even lose weight.

Here’s how it works: Accelerate your metabolism throughout the day

7 a.m.: Juniper bath
Mash 200 g of juniper berries, boil in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Sieve, add to bath water (38 degrees), bathe for 20 minutes.

8 a.m.: Fruit salad Cut
2 thick slices of pineapple, 1/2 papaya, 1 kiwi, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 apple, 1 pear, 3 slices of ginger into small pieces. Season with 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tbsp honey, 1/2 glass of orange juice.

9 o’clock: Power breathing
Sit up straight, inhale deeply through your mouth. Close it and exhale quickly through your nose. Repeat 10 times.

10 am: Jin Shin Jyutsu Sit
on a soft chair or armchair. Place the fingertips of your right hand under the ischial tuberosity on the right side of your buttocks. The fingers of the left hand under the left ischial tuberosity. close eyes Hold for 15 minutes and breathe deeply.

a.m.: Smoothie Blend 1 cup strawberries, 1 banana, 5 large leaves of romaine lettuce with 2 cups of still mineral water until smooth.

12:00 p.m.: Light walking
30 minutes soak up daylight while going for a brisk walk. This raises serotonin levels. We wake up, and so does our metabolism. Especially important in winter when we spend a lot of time indoors.

2 p.m.: Finger play Hook the
index fingers of both hands together, pull them outwards vigorously. Breathe in as you pull, tighten your abdominal muscles. Exhale slowly as you release, relaxing your stomach. 20 times.

3pm: Aromatherapy
Place 1 drop each of Peppermint, Rose, Cypress and Sage essential oils in an aroma lamp. Inhale deeply for 10 minutes.

4pm: Shake
2 apples, juice of 1/2 lemon, 4 leaves of cabbage and 2 thin, peeled slices of ginger with 2 cups of still mineral water.

5 p.m.: Roll
up hot roll of towel in a funnel shape. Pour in very warm water until the outside is damp. Then roll up evenly. Place the roll on the right upper abdomen ( liver ) for 10 minutes.

6 p.m.: Trampoline or jump rope
for 10 minutes on a small room trampoline (approx. 50-70 euros) or jump with skipping ropes (approx. 10 euros). Makes the whole body nice and relaxed.

7 p.m.: Meditation Place
the left hand on the upper right abdomen, index and middle fingers under the costal arch. Breathe in there consciously, deeper and deeper. 15 minutes.

8 p.m.: Foot massage
With the fingers of the right hand, while sitting, massage the sole of the left foot in small circles up to the toes for 5 minutes with strong pressure. Then pluck each toe vigorously 3 times. Repeat on the other side.

The main clock of our metabolism is in every cell. In their power plant, the mitochondria. A daily drink of 2.5 liters of mineral water will give you a lot of energy . Three to four cups of green, black or mate tea a day are also particularly effective. The theine it contains increases the metabolic rate by up to 15 percent.

What is metabolism?

The metabolism, also called metabolism, is not only the body’s energy supplier and furnace , but also its garbage disposal. Put simply, it processes everything we eat or drink. From the individual parts (e.g. amino acids, glucose) he “tinkers” what he needs: e.g. B. cells, solid bones, red blood cells, hair, immune cells or hormones. Nothing works without metabolism!

It doesn’t matter how sporty you are: If you take 3000 more steps a day, you increase your endurance by 30 percent and at the same time strengthen your metabolism. Two to three visits to the sauna per week are also ideal for fitness.

Flavor your food with garlic, cloves, coriander, black pepper, paprika, mustard, chili, cayenne, horseradish, cumin, turmeric, ginger, or onion as often as possible. They all contain plant substances (e.g. essential oils, trace elements, vitamins) that activate the metabolism.

Get at least seven hours of sleep at night, two of them before midnight. An analysis of the Nurses Health Study showed that women who sleep five hours or less a night have a 32 percent slower metabolism. And an equally big risk of gaining 30 pounds from chronic sleep deprivation.

The freshwater algae chlorella (pharmacy) activates the metabolism with vitamins B, C and iodine.

Do a 14-day cure with dandelion juice (health food store): Take 10 ml of juice 3 to 4 times a day before meals. Its bitter substances (taraxacine) stimulate the metabolism.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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