Last week it was 5 degrees and rain was the order of the day, now the sun is shining again and the temperatures are climbing to a spring-like 20 degrees. Many people are now drawn outside, on the balcony or in the garden. Of course, the shorts and T-shirts are exchanged for the winter sweaters, so that the sun’s rays hit as much skin as possible. After all, this feeling of the first rays of sunshine on the skin is a warm and indescribably beautiful feeling. But that’s exactly where the problem lies.
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Spring sun meets winter skin
Due to the dark winter months, the skin is only slightly pigmented and therefore particularly sensitive to light . The so-called light calluses, the thickening of the cornea, which is caused by UVB radiation and strengthens skin protection, is missing.
The radiation exposure in spring is also significantly higher due to the climate. In March, April and May the ozone layer is thinner, so it can no longer filter out enough UV radiation. This allows more radiation to reach the earth, which then penetrates the skin.
Tips for UV protection in spring
- Choosing the right sunscreen
The same applies all year round: wear sunscreen if you plan to be outdoors for a long period of time. In winter, a day cream with sun protection is sufficient for the face and décolleté, in spring it can be sun cream that is creamed over the day care. For arms and legs, it is best to use sunscreen with type-appropriate UV protection. - Apply sun protection cream properly Apply cream to your
forehead, the bridge of your nose and your ears particularly thoroughly. The skin there is very thin, so sunburn is more likely to occur. Use a sunscreen for the face. It absorbs quickly, leaves no shiny film and moisturizes. - Renew your sun protection regularly
Anyone who does sports in the spring sun or spends a long time out in nature should replace their sun protection every two hours, as the protective film can be lost through sweat and friction. However, this does not increase the maximum protection time. - Calculating
the self-protection time The self-protection time multiplied by the sun protection factor on the sunscreen tube gives the maximum time that you should stay in the sun every day. For skin type 1 (very light skin, reddish or light blonde hair and freckles), the self-protection time is 10 minutes. Multiplied by a sun protection factor of 30, this results in 300 minutes that this skin type can remain in the sun with cream on. - Avoiding sunburn on the head
Elderly people, babies and people with thinning hair are particularly prone to sunburn on the head. Therefore, wear a scarf or hat when going out in the sun. - Checking sunscreen
Often sunscreen is left over from last summer. Therefore, check now whether it can still be used. The number next to the jar symbol on the back of the tube tells you how many months the cream can be kept. To be on the safe side, always write the opening date on the tube.