There are ethical, moral and health reasons in favor of a vegan diet. However, many people initially find it difficult to switch to purely plant-based foods. With these tips, you are guaranteed to succeed in changing your diet.
Vegan nutrition is more than just a short-lived trend: more and more people around the world, including many celebrities , are opting for a purely plant-based lifestyle. There are often both health and ethical reasons behind it. Veganism is not only good for your body, but also for the environment. But getting started is not always easy. In addition to cravings, you sometimes have to deal with uncomprehending comments from those around you. But don’t worry: Almost anyone can be vegan if they really want to be. The following tips should help you to make the initial period as pleasant as possible.
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Tip 1: Make it a challenge
The thought of giving up certain foods forever causes instant frustration for most people. However, if the time window is more limited, for example a week or a month, it becomes more of a challenge. Therefore, make it a point to try out the vegan diet for a certain period of time. For example, the annual “Veganuary” that takes place at the beginning of the year is a good opportunity to get into action. Of course you can also start in any other month. You may find that you enjoy this experiment so much that you immediately want to take it even further. And if not – then you have at least tried it and are one experience richer.
Tip 2: Be inspired
A vegan diet does not have to mean sacrifice. On the contrary: there are so many exciting and delicious products to discover! In addition to blogs and social media, you can also find inspiration from meal kit providers like HelloFresh . An advantage: After you have made a selection from vegan recipes, you can then have all the ingredients you need delivered directly to your home. This is how you make cooking incredibly easy. Also make it a point to regularly use foods you have never tried before in your cooking. No matter which vegetable it is – you can be sure that someone has already created a vegan recipe from it. So you don’t let your kitchen get boring.
Tip 3: Don’t overwhelm yourself
There are people who find it easy to give up all animal products overnight. Others, however, are simply overwhelmed and give up after a short time. So if you really want to make long-term changes to your diet, go at your own pace. Maybe that means eating vegan for just one day a week or one month a year at first. Or you can initially leave out only certain foods and then expand this list bit by bit. Some people also do it in such a way that they only cook vegan at home at first and make exceptions outside or with guests because of practicality. A change in diet is not a radical diet. It is important that you move and develop in the right direction bit by bit.
Tip 4: Deal with nutritional values
Many people still have the prejudice that vegans are not sufficiently supplied with nutrients. In fact, there are certain nutrients, which may be lacking. However, this does not mean that a vegan diet is unhealthy per se, on the contrary: If you deal with what your body needs and choose your food accordingly, you can also live vegan permanently. For this, however, it is important that you inform yourself extensively about which nutrients you absolutely have to consume. Vitamin B12, for example, can hardly be covered by a purely plant-based diet and should therefore be supplemented. It is helpful if you have your blood values checked regularly in the laboratory, at least at the beginning, to make sure that you are not missing anything. Then nothing stands in the way of a healthy vegan lifestyle.
Tip 5: Bring your own food
You’ve been invited to friends and don’t know if there are vegan alternatives? So that you don’t end up with an empty plate or your host has a bad conscience, it’s better to be prepared. It is best to discuss in advance what there will be for dinner. Not everyone knows how to prepare vegan foods. In this case, it makes sense to simply bring your own dish. The other guests are welcome to try it too. Who knows, you might even impress one or the other with your cooking skills.