How to be a mentally strong personality

When we discover what makes us happy, we can unleash impressive self-healing powers – to stay healthy or get back on our feet faster. They are slumbering in all of us, we just have to find the way.
Our body can do more than we think. Much more! Without us noticing, it repairs and regenerates itself throughout life: every second, 50 million new cells replace those that perish in the same period. Liver tissue actively grows back throughout life, the skin heals injuries and cuts by forming new or scar tissue, the body even heals broken bones on its own,

the plaster only supports the healing process, an operation speeds it up even more. Nevertheless, we have lost faith in our bodies, many of us run to the doctor with little things and only leave the practice satisfied when we can then wave a prescription to the pharmacy. Above all, health is a matter of trust. trust in ourselves.

“With the power that is in all of us, the effects of two thirds of all diseases can be alleviated, if not prevented altogether,” says Professor Wolfram Schüffel, former director of the Clinic for Psychosomatics at the University of Marburg. This applies even to the most severe diseases. In addition, being or becoming healthy is very much related to expectation. Studies on this subject are always surprising. Decaffeinated coffee raises the heart rate and blood pressure even if the subject thinks they drank decaffeinated coffee.

Faith moves mountains

Even more astonishing is the famous experiment of knee surgery, which is not a knee operation and nevertheless heals: Researchers from Houston, Texas, actually operated on 120 patients on the knee, 60 other patients only received an incision in the skin, albeit under anesthesia. The superficial cuts only simulated the knee operation, nothing was done on the knee. Two years later, 90 percent of all patients were satisfied with the result of the operation, they could use their knees without pain and without restricted mobility, regardless of whether they actually had the operation. Belief is proven to move mountains.

Believe in yourself

Old wisdom – new knowledge

The French pharmacist and founder of modern autosuggestion, Émile Coué (1857-1926), systematically used the power of positive thinking for healing purposes in the century before last. With autosuggestion, the subconscious is trained to believe in something specific. Coué gave his customers the right preparation with the words: “With this medicine you will certainly get well very quickly.” He had observed that medicines worked faster and better if he once again emphasized their healing component. Coué was convinced that the unconscious influences our lives to a large extent: “Any idea that has become sufficiently ingrained strives to be realized.”
That we can oppose any illness with our inner conviction – this is also the opinion of Dr. Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld, Chairman of the Bremen General Practitioners’ Association and Chairman of the Institute for General Practitioners’ Training: “It’s about coping strategies and adapting one’s expectations to reality. It would be helpful to replace the expectation ‘I’m sick and tomorrow I’ll be fine’ with the attitude ‘I’m sick and I accept my body’s symptoms’. Even if I have a chronic illness, I feel better physically with this different attitude.”

Healthy optimism and helpful mantra

Scientists have now proven using modern methods that optimists form more immune cells and recover faster. Studies on marathon runners show that the happy hormones released when running, the so-called endorphins, make you forget about pain and strengthen the immune system. Hamburg researchers led by Prof. Christian Büchel from the Institute for Systemic Neurosciences at the University Hospital Eppendorf proved that a positive attitude towards life not only reduces the subjective perception of pain, but also has measurable physical effects on the pain-related nerve cell activities in the brain.
In this sense, Coué’s sentence should be recommended to everyone: “Every day I feel better and better in every respect.” Every day after waking up or before going to bed, recited in a low voice 20 times in a row like a mantra, this wisdom works through the sense of hearing into the subconscious. For acute symptoms, Coué recommended placing a hand on the relevant area and repeating the following formula until the first signs of improvement appear: “It will pass, it will pass, it will pass.”
There are always miracles – and each is a case in itself
M ore than 1000 sudden cancer cures, so-called spontaneous remissions, are known in the specialist literature: Contrary to all prognosis and expectations, cancer patients recovered. In most cases even without surgery or chemotherapy. Researchers are increasingly observing this phenomenon in cancers such as renal cell carcinoma, melanoma (skin cancer) and lymphoma (tumours of the lymphatic tissue). The immune system controls these types of cancer significantly. It is possible that they are therefore also very susceptible to the actions of the immune system itself, such as fighting large tumor masses.
Other explanation models for such “miracles” assume that the undifferentiated cancer cells still develop into normal cells. Or the blood supply through the surrounding blood vessels is no longer sufficient for a tumor of a certain size. Normally, it then produces its own blood vessels. Sometimes, however, tumors don’t make this connection – they die.

Take control of the healing

Hormone production also plays a role. Hormone-dependent tumors can regress in women during the menopause, i.e. when hormone production decreases. Will cancer stay away permanently after spontaneous remissions? Nobody can tell. In any case, people who have been cured of cancer often describe very impressively how they themselves actively dealt with their illness and healing independently of the scientific explanation models.
Nevertheless, these experiences cannot necessarily be transferred from one patient to another. Each individual has to find their own way of dealing with the disease. The German Cancer Research Center treats the topic of spontaneous healing surprisingly openly, but expressly warns to use valuable therapy time.

What are you trying to tell me, body?

How to activate your inner doctor

The key to self-healing is not mystical at all: think positive! Enjoy the happy moments! Do what is good for you as often as possible! This is the recipe for activating your inner healers. Feelings such as joy, pride and love promote the release of happiness hormones that strengthen the body’s own defences. But what if you’ve misplaced the keys that give you access to your feel-good happiness?

Ask yourself: What is really good for me – and what harms me? Under what circumstances do I get up in the morning and want to embrace the world? How do I get enough energy to exercise regularly? What has to happen for me to be happy? With a diary you can find out your personal happy makers. Or learn to remember the beautiful moments to induce deep relaxation again and again. Under the guidance of a therapist, this form of healing is called hypnotherapy.
Gain distance, even in the hectic hectic, by dreaming for a moment in your mind of yesterday’s street café, the beautifully laid breakfast table or the sun lounger by the Mediterranean Sea. Take ten deep breaths and let the hustle and bustle in the office stop for a few minutes. Pay more attention to your body’s signals. As a child, you were familiar with stomach ache and headaches. And at best, your mother would put you to bed and give you some time off. Consciously perceive all feelings, body sensations and thoughts, but without judging them. This is the secret of the ancient Buddhist teachings of mindfulness.

Energy that comes from within ourselves

Our body talks to us all the time. We just don’t understand him or don’t even listen. However, we should learn to interpret the signs of our body again, such as tiredness, pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, the knowledge of which symptoms of our body are natural and therefore already part of the self-healing process fades more and more over the course of our lives.This is what Dr. Mühlenfeld with his patients again and again. “Just this morning a man came to me with a stomach infection,” he says. “He wanted me to give me some medicine for the nausea so that he could eat again. I explained to him that the nausea is a self-healing mechanism of the body. A protective mechanism that ensures that the pathogens are excreted and the stomach can recover. The nausea is just a sign that the body is responding in a healthy way.”

Meditating keeps you healthy

In the context of energy and healing work, there are methods that lead us back to ourselves. Heinz Rzehak, a recognized healer with a focus on energy and healing work in Munich, practices constellation work in order to reconcile the unseen and unresolved on an emotional level. Shamanic healing rituals (sound and drum techniques) are used. Like many experts, he recommends meditation for at home: “Sitting in silence promotes turning to oneself and connecting to one’s own feelings and needs.”
Mindfulness meditation in particular, in which thoughts are consciously perceived, promotes metabolic processes, lowers blood pressure and makes the heart beat more slowly. Regular meditation can even relieve pain and reduce anxiety and depression. The effects of meditation can be compared to taking antidepressants. Only without risks and side effects, according to the result of a meta-study by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.

More patience pays off

Meditation also teaches us patience. And that would be appropriate in most cases of illness. In fact, many ailments would go away on their own if we just let our bodies do their thing. This applies to the common cold as well as to back pain. Doctors speak of “waiting and waiting”. Of course, this does not apply to acute, serious illnesses such as a heart attack or pneumonia.Nevertheless, we Germans run to doctors quite quickly. At 18 times a year, we spend more than the average number of times in waiting and treatment rooms compared to other industrialized nations. Perhaps because doctors themselves are something of a placebo: talking to them, listening to them, can motivate us enormously. We then expect the miracle of immediate recovery from you every time, instead of trusting in our wonderful self-healing potential.
“In the past, this function was taken over by the grandmother. We went to her and said: ‘I’m sick.’ She cooked chicken soup for us and comforted us: ‘It’ll be fine, wait until tomorrow,'” recalls Dr. millfield. Looking inward, connecting with ourselves, getting to know and accepting our needs and feelings or sometimes just waiting a little – we can trust our body. He can do so much more than we think.

This is how you promote and maintain healing powers

THE PLACE: Find a place in your home where you feel comfortable, where you can retreat and rest.
THE METHOD: Choose your personal relaxation method and practice it daily, e.g. B. Close your eyes for a few seconds, take ten deep breaths, listen to music, do yoga, meditate, etc.
DIET: Cook your favorite meal once a week. Refine the recipe for the benefit of your health. Replace animal fats with vegetable ones, replace sugar with honey.
THE HELP IN AN EMERGENCY: Think about what always helped you when you had a cold or were ill as a child (e.g. calf compresses, chicken soup). Remember these helpers next time.
THE SLEEP: Under what conditions do you sleep well? Try to integrate these circumstances permanently into your life. Is your husband’s snoring robbing you of sleep? Opt for separate bedrooms.
THE FANTASY: Allow yourself to daydream, embellish your desires and illusions. It is not for nothing that it is said that imagination gives us wings.
SELF-DETERMINATION: Always remain the designer of your own life. If you have lost sovereignty over your life, reclaim it. The power of self-determination strengthens your immune system.
THE HAPPINESS DIARY: Write down moments when you feel healthy and happy. Not only day and hour, but also circumstances of your well-being: How is the weather? who is with you what do you smell Keep this diary for at least four weeks and then analyze what triggers positive feelings on a regular basis.

get some air

In general, it is recommended to breathe deeply into your stomach through your nose and breathe out twice as long (this brings relaxation). After inhaling, it is best to exhale immediately and then hold your breath a little until your body calls for oxygen and you inhale again.
BREATH EXERCISE: First train a deep and calm breathing rhythm: Breathe slowly into the palm of your hand, then breathe in through your nose. Repeat the exercise for at least ten breaths (inhalation and exhalation) until your hand becomes warm.
SIMPLE BREATHING EXERCISE: Slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your nose. Think of a two-syllable word like rest (“Ru” on the inhale, “he” on the exhale). Notice where your breath goes, whether it’s in your chest or stomach. Force abdominal breathing.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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