Table of Contents
The typical symptoms
dr Schönenberg: “First of all, everyone has hemorrhoids. These ring-shaped vascular cushions in the area where the rectum exits have an important function. They serve as a seal to hold the stool in place. And are responsible for the feeling that the intestines have been completely emptied or not. When you have a bowel movement, the blood-filled cushions become smaller so that the stool can pass in. It is only when this natural reflex is disturbed, when the hemorrhoids no longer retreat, that symptoms such as bleeding, itching, burning, smearing, weeping and pain occur . Another sign is feeling like you haven’t completely emptied your bowels.”
Causes of Hemorrhoids
Tolfioow: What can disturb this harmonious process?
For women, pregnancy and childbirth play a role, as do gynecological problems caused by a weak pelvic floor. Most Common Cause : Not taking enough time to go to the toilet and instead exerting pressure, straining. Sitting on the toilet for hours is just as unfavorable. Many go against the natural impulse. This does not lead to haemorrhoids immediately, but over a period of years. Sedentary activities, obesity, a diet low in fiber and lack of exercise also promote it.
What do I do if I notice symptoms in myself?
Go to a doctor with the additional qualification proctologist. He will examine you and then decide which type of therapy makes sense. If you have blood in your stool, you should definitely consult a doctor, because the symptoms can have other causes, behind which there are other diseases , in the worst case cancer. However, a definitive diagnosis can only be made after a detailed examination.
What therapy options are available?
First, you can treat the disease from the outside in a natural way with ointments and suppositories with a decongestant effect. These can significantly alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. At the worse stage, the next stage is desolation. A drug is injected next to the enlargement, which causes it to shrink. Then the hemorrhoids can be tied off during a colonoscopy with a special instrument that sucks in excess tissue. That sounds worse than it is. Because the hemorrhoids are above the pain-sensitive tissue of the patient. As a last measure, a surgical intervention, i.e. surgical removal, is an option. In my experience, however, this is only necessary in ten percent of the cases.
Don’t put off seeing a doctor
Diedrichs: “From a psychological point of view, it is completely understandable that hemorrhoid sufferers keep putting off the doctor’s appointment. But of course that’s no use, it’s becoming more and more uncomfortable for the individual. Many find the conversation and the examination at the doctor’s to be horrible.”
What helps against that?
The best thing to do is to realize that doctors, and of course proctologists in particular, encounter this topic on a daily basis. So the problem of embarrassment is only mine, not him. For him, diseases such as hemorrhoids are routine.
What if I don’t feel like I’m in good hands with the doctor?
If I didn’t feel comfortable with a doctor, I would leave the practice and find another. In principle, everyone should do this, and it is part of dealing with your body, illnesses , pain and especially hemorrhoids with self-confidence.
Why is this so difficult for most people?
Children interact naturally with all parts of their bodies. Only over time do we learn to feel embarrassed about the excretory organs and bowel movements, so that inhibitions arise. Since we have practiced this attitude for a long time, we need time and support to consciously change.
How the pharmacy can help
Von Meding: “Often we are the first to go to those affected. And we notice that it is not easy to talk about haemorrhoids. It starts with the fact that many do not know how to express themselves. They know the right terms Not. But as soon as a customer describes his symptoms and complaints, we can identify the disease and provide detailed advice.”
How do you take the fear of the unknown?
We offer advice cards on which customers simply tick: I have a problem that I would like to talk about in private. Pharmacists are usually well prepared when they address taboo topics such as haemorrhoids or vaginal infections in the window dressing.
What self-medication do you offer?
Above all, ointments, creams and suppositories: analgesic and antipruritic with lidocaine, anti-inflammatory and haemostatic with witch hazel. And suppositories that come from anthroposophic medicine. Some ointments have a skin-protecting and preventive effect. The application is not always easy – the advice in the pharmacy helps. There are also special advisory services, such as nutritional recommendations for hemorrhoids.
Here you will find an overview of over-the-counter remedies for hemorrhoids >>
What else do you recommend for minor symptoms and the first signs?
Then I recommend using pH-neutral and fragrance-free, moist anal wipes. Home remedies such as chamomile and oak bark also relieve the symptoms as sitz baths. In addition, treatment with psyllium can help regulate bowel movements, constipation and other intestinal problems. Nevertheless, patients should also pay attention to their diet. Some foods are easier to digest than others. With all stool problems, however, it is important to ensure that you drink plenty of water.