Hearing loss is a type of hearing loss and reduces the ability to hear. Often one does not feel any pain with sudden hearing loss and does not even notice it as such. In addition to hearing loss, it can also lead to complete deafness. Hearing loss only occurs on one side.
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The symptoms are varied. The first sign is a different perception of ambient noise that deviates from one’s own norm. You often hear double, there is a reverberation or voices and noises give the impression that they are coming from far away. Those affected previously describe pressure in the ear, the feeling as if the ears were “packed in cotton wool”, unclassifiable ringing in the ears and/or tinnitus, i.e. a beeping and persistent, strange noise in the ear. Many also report an unpleasant feeling of dizziness , as the balance organ in the ear is also disturbed.
There are a variety of theories about the causes of sudden hearing loss. A circulatory disorder in the ear is usually to blame, as a result of which the ear is no longer properly supplied with blood and oxygen. This causes a kind of “ear attack” in the inner ear. However, bacteria or viruses can also be to blame for hearing loss. Inflammation in the ear, for example a middle ear infection, causes the tissue in the ear to swell and squeeze important vessels. Viruses can also settle on the nerve cells in the ear and thus disrupt the “auditory pathways” in the ear. Another frequently cited cause is stress. Stress generally makes you more susceptible to “infarctions” and stress has a particularly negative effect on nerve cells. However, it is assumed that stress is not a direct cause, but at best promotes a circulatory disorder.
If you suffer from the symptoms, you should urgently consult an ear, nose and throat doctor. Hearing loss is not life-threatening and does not require immediate medical attention. However, the signs can also represent a variety of other, more serious diseases. Therefore, the diagnosis is ambivalent and is mainly made by eliminating other diseases using a few tests.
treatment and prevention
The treatment of sudden hearing loss is as varied as the diagnosis. The ENT doctor often prescribes rest to wait a few days to see whether an improvement occurs of its own accord. In many cases this is the correct method. Otherwise, among other things, anti-inflammatory agents such as antibiotics or cortisone are administered. For prevention, you should strengthen your health and the cardiovascular system . A healthy lifestyle with exercise and good nutrition, as well as avoiding stimulants and loud music can help to prevent circulatory disorders in the ear.