Amazing Health Benefits of Flowers

They beautify every salad, taste delicious – and are super healthy: Many edible flowers hide healing powers in their petals. Which one helps when? Tolfioow reveals the best recipes.

Daisies boost metabolism

The “everlasting beauties” (lat. Bellis perennis) close their blossoms at dusk. Collection time: March to November.

Healing powers
They accelerate the metabolism, improve inflammation, spring fatigue, cold sores, stomach problems and swelling after injuries.

Healthy recipe
Pour 100 ml double grain over 100 g blossoms in a glass. Close, leave for 4 weeks, strain and fill into a dark bottle. Take 15 drops twice a day or rub on bruises or sprains, for example.

Elderberry puts an end to coughs and colds

The best known is the black elder (lat. Sambucus nigra). Collection time of its flowers: June to August. Even frozen flowers retain their healthy effect. Harvest of the berries: August to November.

Healing powers
Blossoms and berries are an extremely effective home remedy for coughs, colds and hoarseness.

Healthy recipe Boil
1 kg elderberries, 300 g sugar and 1 vanilla pod with 1/2 l water for approx. 20 minutes, strain and fill into a bottle. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of the cold juice 3 to 5 times a day.

Here you will find even more healthy elderflower recipes >>

Jasmine is soothing balm for the soul

Common jasmine (lat. Jasminum officinale) is a climbing tree with intensely fragrant flowers. Collection time: August to November.

Healing powers
Its essential oils help particularly well with fears, depressive moods, stress, nervous sleep problems and states of exhaustion.

Healthy recipe
Mix 1/4 l of cream and whole milk with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of jasmine oil (health food store) and pour into the 38 degree warm bath water. Soak for 20 minutes and inhale the vapors deeply.

Herbal healing powers have a calming effect

Nasturtium often makes antibiotics superfluous

The nasturtium (lat. Tropaeolum majus) was named medicinal plant of the year 2013 by scientists at the University of Würzburg.

Healing powers Thanks to its mustard oils, it can often replace a chemical antibiotic
for infections in the sinuses, bronchi or bladder without promoting bacterial resistance.

Healthy recipe
Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 15 g of fresh (or thawed) flowers and leaves, cover and leave to stand for 10 to 15 minutes, strain. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day before meals.

Red clover brings the hormones into balance

Lucky ones can also find a four-leaved meadow clover (lat. Trifolium pratense). Normally it only has three leaves. Collection time: May to October.

Healing powers
Red clover nourishes the skin and is a gentle yet effective estrogen alternative to hormone replacement therapy during menopause .

Healthy recipe
Pour hot water over 4 to 6 flowers per cup. 6 Week Hormone Cycle: Drink 3 to 4 cups daily.

Mallows intensively care for the respiratory tract

Of the 30 genera in the mallow family, Malva sylvestris is the most medicinal. Collection time: June to October.

Healing powers
It inhibits inflammation, helps against colic, hoarseness, sore throat, angina, cough, gingivitis, abscesses, acne and eczema .

Healthy recipe
Pour 1/4 l of cold water over 2 heaped teaspoons of the cut fresh blossoms, cover and leave to stand overnight. Strain and gargle with it for 7 minutes 5 times a day.

Beautiful skin through the power of flowers

Roses give calm and nerves of steel

Everyone knows the rose (lat. pink) as the queen of flowers. However, hardly anyone knows that the wild rose species in particular are medicinal plants. Collection time: June to October.

Healing powers
Your essential oil with approx. 350 healing substances improves headaches , nervous heart problems, digestive problems, eczema, irritated skin, fears, sleep disorders, PMS , strengthens nerves, heart, liver, heals wounds, relaxes, has an antidepressant effect.

Healthy recipe
Pour 1/2 l of lukewarm water over 4 handfuls of petals. Leave for 2 days, strain. Use pure rose water as a rub. Internally: 15 to 20 drops in 1 glass of water, drink. For acute symptoms 3 times a day.

Yarrow – your abdomen will be happy

The common yarrow (lat. Achillea millefolium) was already Sebastian Kneipp’s phyto-favorite. Collection time: June to October.

Healing powers
It helps especially with menstrual problems , cysts, hormonal imbalances, vaginal thrush , dry vagina, skin diseases as well as headaches, migraines, cold hands and inflammation.

Healthy recipe Put
4 handfuls of fresh flowers in a 38 degree warm bath. Bath time: 20 minutes.

Pansies are a real skin friend

The wild pansy (lat. Viola tricolor) likes to grow on fallow fields and on the edges of forests. Collection time: May to October.

Healing powers
It helps with neurodermatitis, psoriasis , eczema, acne. And it detoxifies.

Healthy recipe
Brew 2 tablespoons fresh flowers and 1 tablespoon herb with 250 ml boiling water. Cover and leave to stand for ten minutes, strain. Rub it into the affected area of ​​skin 3 times a day.

Flowery info

Eat the flowers

In order to use the healing effect of the freshly picked flowers directly, eat about 10 flowers of one type of flower per day. Beware of allergies, for example to daisy family.

collect flowers

Do not collect on roadsides, next to fields or on dog parks, because the plants there are too dirty or contaminated with pesticides . Collect the plants in the late morning until about 1 p.m. or in the evening. Very early in the morning they are still damp from the dew and the flowers are not open; so it’s better to wait until around 10 a.m. Collect the plants only when the weather is dry , because wet flowers quickly go moldy. Do not bring plants home in plastic bags but in baskets or cloth bags.

Process the plants properly

Process fresh blossoms quickly: carefully rinse off with cold water in a sieve and gently pat dry with kitchen paper. Only then split.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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