Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Frequent bleeding gums should be taken seriously and treated. It often has unpleasant consequences, such as inflamed gums.
Are you suffering from bleeding gums? You should take this seriously. Gingivitis is often behind it, which can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss.

Table of Contents

What is gingivitis?

Everyone has bacteria in their mouth, it’s normal. Inflammation of the gums usually occurs when there is a lack of oral hygiene and the bacteria spread in the oral cavity. In many cases, gingivitis does not even cause pain , but it is still dangerous for our health. Around 80 percent of Germans suffer from it, but most of them don’t know anything about it.

The symptoms of gingivitis

Healthy gums are pale pink and fill the space between teeth without bleeding. Inflamed gums are red and partially swollen. When you brush your teeth, the toothpaste turns slightly red, and when you bite into an apple or other hard food, you leave blood on the fruit. These are signs of possible gingivitis. However, this clear warning signal can also fail to appear. For example, the ingredients in cigarette smoke prevent blood flow to the oral mucosa. As a result, you bleed less even though your gums are already inflamed. Warning: the disease is so easily overlooked!
If the problems persist for a longer period of time without you having consulted a doctor, the gums often recede . The tooth necks are exposed and the teeth appear larger. You should also pay attention to whether you suffer from severe toothache or bad breath. In extreme cases, pus forms under the gums that bulge out when pressure is applied. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, you do not have to go to the doctor straight away. Inflammation of the gums can also be treated well by yourself. Here you will find the best home remedies for inflamed gums >>

Gum treatment at the dentist

If you are still suffering from the symptoms mentioned after a week, you should see a doctor. In some cases, gingivitis can be seen with the naked eye . In addition, the dentist uses a fine probe to measure the depth of the gap between the tooth and the gums. If the probe goes further than 3 millimeters, it could be a sign of periodontitis. X-rays of the jaw or saliva tests are possible additional tests. Important: Visit the dentist twice a year and have your teeth professionally cleaned once a year.

Prevent gingivitis

Gingivitis can usually be controlled with regular oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth twice a day, not forgetting the spaces between your teeth. Dental floss is a typical home remedy against bacteria that can be bought in all drugstores. You can use a tongue scraper or mouthwash to help. This type of treatment limits the spread of the bacteria. A toothbrush with rounded bristles also protects the gums.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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