Getting your hair greasy: is the trend really healthy?

What is the point of not washing your hair for a long period of time? Read here whether it makes sense and is healthy to let your hair be greasy and what helps against greasy hair.

In times of Corona and working from home, we spend a lot of time at home. So why bother styling your hair or washing it regularly? Above all, washing hair too often irritates and dries out the scalp, which in turn produces more sebum, which makes hair greasy – a vicious circle that is difficult to break.
The trend of getting your hair greasy is getting a lot of buzz during lockdown. The idea behind it: not to use any more care products, to let the hair become greasy for weeks until it cleans itself and no longer becomes greasy so quickly.

Grease your hair – yes or no?

So much for the theoretical considerations. However, it is not recommended not to wash hair like this for a long period of time. You should wash your hair after two weeks at the latest. Why? If your scalp is generally prone to increased fat formation, prolonged greasing can promote eczema and rashes or even lead to skin fungus. The excess oil causes your scalp to become unbalanced. However, there is nothing wrong with postponing your hair wash for a few days. It’s definitely a good idea in the long term if you try to wash your hair less frequently.

Why does hair get greasy faster?

The sebum that our scalp produces is supposed to protect our scalp from drying out. A greasy hairline is not a bad thing per se. If your hair becomes greasy faster, it may simply be because your body produces more sebum than others. But there are other reasons why you can tend to greasy hair: For example, hormonal fluctuations can boost sebum production. After stopping birth control pills, many women notice that their hair becomes greasy more quickly. Pregnant women also tend to produce more sebum.

An unhealthy and high-fat diet or stress can also make itself felt on the scalp. Even small habits like brushing your hair away from your face lead to greasy hair faster. Shampoo, conditioner, hair masks and oil for the ends – the wrong hair care can promote oily hair. The rule here is: less is more!

6 tips to prevent greasy hair:

  • Don’t wash your hair too hot. It dries out your scalp too much and stimulates sebum production. Lukewarm water is just right!
  • Comb your hair no more than two to three times a day. Too frequent brushing stimulates sebum production. When combing, distribute the fat in the hair.
  • It is best to use a mild shampoo that soothes the scalp and reduces sebum production. If you use treatments and conditioners, only apply them to the lengths.
  • Clean your brush regularly to prevent dirt or styling residue from getting into your hair.
  • Do not wear caps or hats too often. Your scalp is not adequately ventilated underneath, sweats and becomes damp – the best breeding ground for greasy hair.
  • Use dry shampoo or baby powder to avoid a shampoo. Both absorb the excess sebum and make your hair appear fresher.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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