Bright, white teeth are not only an ideal of beauty, but also a sign of health and self-care. However, our diet can cause the white teeth to discolour. The following nine foods lead to yellow teeth.
In almost all cultures, white, radiant teeth are considered the ideal of beauty. So it is hardly surprising that many people nowadays decide to replace their natural teeth with dental implants in order to finally be able to show the long-awaited perfect smile. However, there are many foods – including healthy foods such as some vegetables and fruits – that contain ingredients that cause unsightly discoloration of teeth. Although this is only a cosmetic problem, those affected still find it extremely annoying. The following article explains which foods are particularly conducive to discoloration of the teeth.
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Yellow Teeth: Avoid These 9 Foods
1. Red berries
Red berries are not only extremely tasty, they are also considered to be very healthy. However, the teeth can discolour unsightly due to the small red fruits. Tooth enamel is roughened by the acid contained in the berries. As a result, the color pigments contained in the berries can be deposited on the teeth, resulting in permanent discoloration of the teeth. After eating berries, you should always drink a glass of water so that the color pigments are washed off your teeth.
2. Turmeric
The spice turmeric is also known as “yellow ginger” because it belongs to the ginger family. Many curry mixtures contain the pigment curcumin, which gives them their typical yellow color. Turmeric has a stimulating and digestive effect, but excessive consumption of turmeric can quickly turn your teeth an unsightly yellow color.
3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are undoubtedly one of the most popular vegetables among Germans. This is hardly surprising, because the tomatoes are full of minerals and vitamins, but are very low in calories as they consist largely of water. However, tomatoes also contain acid. In addition, they indicate the dye. Lycopene, which is one of the carotenoids. This combination causes tooth discoloration if the tomatoes often end up on the plate.
4. Black Olives
Black olives, which are available in supermarkets in this country, are in many cases not actually black, but green. They get their coloring from the use of the food additive iron(II) gluconate, which also bears the designation E 579. This chemical addition can cause discoloration of the teeth, but this can usually be removed by carefully brushing the teeth.
Interesting: 3 causes of yellow teeth >>
5. Pomegranate
Pomegranates are considered very healthy because these fruits contain large amounts of vitamins B and C, the minerals phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium, folic acid and numerous antioxidants. Unfortunately, tooth discoloration is favored by regular consumption of pomegranates.
6. Safran
Saffron is an extremely noble spice that has become particularly famous through the Spanish paella. Saffron is obtained from the stigmas of the crocus. Since it is harvested by hand, saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. However, not only food is bathed in a bright yellow by the saffron, but also the teeth.
7. Coffee
Many people can hardly start the new day without coffee in the morning. However, coffee is a luxury food that stains heavily. Excessive consumption of coffee is quickly reflected in the teeth, as the pigments contained are deposited on the enamel.
8. Red wine
Unfortunately, this popular stimulant also leads to discoloration of the teeth. On the one hand, this is due to the acid and sugar it contains, both of which attack tooth enamel. On the other hand, the so-called anthocyanins – the actually healthy secondary plant substances give the grapes their strong color, but also discolour your teeth. Therefore, after a glass of red wine, it is best to drink a glass of water or rinse your mouth briefly to reduce the discoloration of your teeth.
9. Tee
The color pigments of this popular hot drink also stick to the grooves in our teeth and can lead to discoloration in the long term. This is particularly the case with intensely colored varieties such as black tea. Iced tea can also cause yellow discoloration and also increases the risk of tooth decay due to the sugar content.
Tip: Brushing your teeth thoroughly two to three times a day helps to prevent discolouration. However, you should not do this immediately after eating, as the acids in some foods can damage tooth enamel, which is aggravated by brushing your teeth. Wait at least 30 minutes and additionally rinse your mouth with water. Your dentist can also remove deposits with a professional tooth cleaning.
You can find more tips here: The 5 most common mistakes when brushing your teeth >>