Imagine being carried completely. No light disturbs the eyes, no noise penetrates the ears, no pressure weighs on the body. This fantasy becomes reality – in the floating tank. Weightless in the water, only you exist in a world without sensory overload.
A basin of warm salty water
Traditional tanks look like a large bathtub with a lid. Those who suffer from mild claustrophobia prefer the more luxurious option: a knee-deep pool that fills an entire room. A natural brine sloshes in it, which is just as warm as the outside temperature of the skin , i.e. 35.5 degrees.
Tensions are released with a twitch
. The high salt content of the water makes you float, and the adjusted temperature seems to dissolve your own body limits. After about ten minutes, you will feel deep relaxation. Over the course of the next 50 minutes (a floating appointment lasts one hour), tension is released, noticeable in the pleasantly liberating twitching of the body.
Time to look inside
Because it’s absolutely dark and silent inside the tank, the mind focuses on its own inner workings. During the day, the human brain needs more than 80 percent of its capacity to process external stimuli – in the tank the brain has time for something else. Afterwards you feel calm, energetic and relaxed. 60 minutes cost about 45 euros. Addresses of floating studios via