FFP2 mask: Everything you need to know

The new nationwide corona regulation, according to which only FFP2 protective masks or medical face masks may be worn on public transport and in shops, raises many questions about usability: How often can FFP2 masks be worn and when do the masks have to be disposed of ?

With the aim of containing the corona pandemic, an FFP2 protective mask or a medical face mask must be worn on public transport in all federal states. In Bavaria, the FFP2 masks are also mandatory in shops. Conventional fabric masks are therefore no longer allowed.

FFP2 mask protects more securely against corona virus

The FFP2 mask offers far greater protection against the corona virus than a  fabric mask  , as it can filter particles and aerosols from the air. The professional association for health service and welfare advises that the maximum wearing time of an FFP2 mask should not exceed 75 minutes in order to minimize the strain on the lungs due to the increased breathing resistance. Thereafter, a recovery period of at least 30 minutes must be observed before the mask can be worn again.

However, the FFP2 protective masks are also more expensive compared to fabric masks. An FFP2 mask costs about three to four euros and is usually available in larger quantities. In addition, FFP2 masks are actually disposable products and are not intended for repeated use. Employees who travel to work by bus and train every day would therefore have to put on a fresh mask every day – an expensive affair in the long run.

Cleaning the FFP2 mask: Here’s how!

research team from the Münster University of Applied Sciences has dealt with the question of whether FFP2 masks can not be reused after all – if they are cleaned correctly . They were able to collect the following results:

Worn FFP2 masks should be left to dry in room air for at least seven days so that they are sufficiently disinfected and can be worn again . It is therefore best to hang the mask on a hook, nail or clothesline. Rooms such as the hallway or the living room are well suited, but bathrooms and kitchens have too much humidity. If you live in a household with several people, be careful not to mix up the masks. Several masks should hang with sufficient distance from each other. Remember to hang the masks out of the reach of children.

A quicker way of disinfecting is to dry in the oven. However, this method is unsuitable for dimensionally stable FFP2 masks (cup model) and masks with a breathing valve. Place your mask on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and let it dry for an hour at 80 degrees with top and bottom heat. Do not open the oven door in between. Don’t leave the oven unattended. After 60 minutes you should then cool the mask on the grid outside the oven. Once dry, inspect your mask for any visible damage and check the retaining straps. Your mask should only be reprocessed in this way five times and then disposed of with household waste.

Do not wash FFP2 mask

The research team from Münster advises against letting the masks dry on the heater . 30 to 40 degrees are optimal growth conditions for many bacteria and fungi in moist masks. Spraying the mask with disinfectant spray is also not recommended. A uniform and complete disinfection is not guaranteed when spraying. In addition, the disinfectants contain additives that can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. Furthermore, most disinfectants are alcohol-based, which can affect filter performance.

Placing the FFP2 mask in the freezer also does not result in disinfection of pathogens, as some cell cultures are frozen and become “active” again after thawing. In addition, material damage to the mask can occur at sub-zero temperatures. Also, do not clean your FFP2 protective masks in a saucepan, in the microwave, in the washing machine, in the dishwasher or under a UV lamp . These procedures do not ensure total disinfection and can damage the filtering performance of the mask.

In order to protect yourself better against the Covid-19, FFP2 masks will be compulsory in Bavaria from January 18th. Does a nationwide FFP2 mask requirement make sense? Experts disagree.

Bavaria presents: Next Monday (January 18th) FFP2 masks will be compulsory in public transport and in shops in Bavaria . This decision is now fueling the debate as to whether a nationwide FFP2 mask requirement during the corona pandemic would make sense and, if so, how this should be implemented.

FFP2 mask requirement is controversial

In an interview with zeit.de, virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit commented on the FFP2 mask requirement in Bavaria: “In principle, I think the idea is a good one.” But he also emphasized that free access to the masks and instructions on how to use them correctly are necessary. Gérard Krause from the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) also said in an interview on zeit.de that FFP2 masks have been shown to offer better self-protection than simple surgical mouth-nose covers.

But there are also dissenting voices. In an interview with spiegel.de, Walter Popp , Vice President of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene , criticized the fact that not every FFP2 mask would fit every face and would stick out on the cheeks and chin. “If breathing becomes difficult, the mask fits properly,” says Popp. Beard wearers in particular could not wear the FFP2 mask correctly .

Johannes Knobloch , head of the hospital hygiene department at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf , is also critical of the new FFP2 mask requirement: “I don’t think it makes a big difference. In the worst case, the situation can even get worse because people feel more protected and are less careful,” Knoblauch said on spiegel.de.

FFP2 masks: difference to fabric masks

The FFP masks (Filtering Face Piece) are original “dust protection masks” from the craft and serve as protection against dust and toxic substances in the breathing air. They are divided into different categories from 1 to 3, depending on how many aerosols the masks can filter. They protect both the wearer and his fellow human beings. The FFP2 masks must retain at least 94 percent of the aerosols. To do this, however, it must fit snugly on the face so that it can adequately protect its wearer from particles, droplets and aerosols. There is no scientifically proven protective function for simple mouth and nose protection, but it is important in containing the corona pandemic.

According to the professional association for health serviceand welfare care must not exceed the maximum wearing time of an FFP2 mask for more than 75 minutes. After that, a recovery period of at least 30 minutes must be observed.

FFP2 masks are intended for single use and are more expensive (from around 3 euros/piece, usually only available in larger quantities) compared to ordinary fabric masks . For example, if you use public transport every day, you should have several different masks.

A research team from the Münster University of Applied Sciences looked at the reusability of the masks and gave the following advice on cleaning: The mask should air out and dry for at least seven days and should not be worn more than five times. If you want to go faster, the mask can be dried in the oven at 80 degrees with top and bottom heat for one hour. Higher temperatures damage the mask.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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