Fever: Signs, Treatment and Home Remedies

Many people are afflicted by fever, especially in the colder months of the year and when the weather is cold and wet. We explain the symptoms, how you can do something about them yourself with simple home remedies and when you should rather see a doctor.

Affected people have an elevated temperature and still shivers run down their backs. Fever is the body’s natural defense reaction to harmful influences. The human body fights inflammation caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites, for example, by increasing body temperature . This activation of the defense system releases various substances to counteract the harmful effects of the bacteria. Most commonly, the symptom fever occurs as a side effect of an infection such as the flu or a coldon. But it can also have other causes such as pneumonia or rheumatism. Therefore, have a long-lasting, high fever examined by a doctor. For quick help against fever, we have put together a few home remedies for you.

signs of fever

Fever usually occurs with a general feeling of illness due to an infection. Symptoms range from tiredness, exhaustion, headaches, sensitivity to light and noise, joint and muscle pain to loss of appetite. Signs such as dry but hot skin, shiny eyes, a feeling of thirst and profuse sweating, shivering, chills and indigestion, which can be accompanied by loss of appetite, diarrhea or vomiting, are more clearly attributable to the fever .

To be sure, it is advisable to measure the body temperature. However, the normal temperature not only varies from person to person, but also depends on the time of day. Temperature values ​​between 36.0 and 37.4 degrees Celsius are normal. However, you will get different results with different measurement methods. The rectal measurement with a thermometer is the most accurate, with a measurement in the oral cavity, 0.3 degrees should be attributed to the result. Taking the temperature under the armpit is the most inaccurate method. To do this, hold the thermometer under your armpit for ten minutes and add 0.5 degrees Celsius.

From 37.5 to 38 degrees Celsius one speaks of increased temperature. A temperature above 38 degrees is called fever, and body temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius are called high fever. There is an acute need for action here and a visit to the doctor is essential.

Treatment methods for fever

Since fever is a defense reaction of the body against infections, antipyretics should not be used directly, otherwise the cause cannot be combated. The increased body temperature causes the pathogens to die off, which means that recovery from a cold, for example, occurs more quickly.
However, if the fever is very high, it makes sense to take antipyretic measures to regulate the temperature and strengthen the body.

If the following home remedies do not improve the fever or high temperature on the second day either, it makes sense to consult a doctor. The same applies to fever that occurs for no apparent reason or symptoms such as drowsiness, confusion and febrile seizures.
While adults should only see a doctor when their body temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, children need to take action from 38 degrees. In small children who are younger than six months, a doctor must be consulted if any symptoms of fever occur. The doctor can then determine the cause of the elevated temperature and prescribe medication if necessary.

home remedies for fever

If the body temperature has risen above 39 degrees Celsius, some home remedies can reduce the fever.

  • Drink a lot: The increased temperature leads to warm skin and increased sweating. Therefore, those affected should provide their bodies with sufficient fluids. It is best to drink a lot of water, unsweetened teas and freshly squeezed juices to give your body additional vitamins.
  • Bed rest: Those who do not rest sufficiently at the beginning of a fever phase prolong the duration of the illness. So stay in bed at the first sign and give your body a rest.
  • Washcloth: A common symptom of fever is a heavy head. A cool washcloth on the forehead is helpful for headaches.
  • Careful nutrition: Even if the feeling of hunger often subsides when you have a fever, you should make sure you eat something. Light and protein-rich food, such as chicken soup or rice with vegetables, is best.
  • Small miracle cures: raspberries, cranberries and ginger have an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can either eat the berries and tubers fresh or prepare them as tea.
  • Cold calf wraps: The classic home remedy. For this method, you wrap a damp, but not wet, thin cotton towel around your calves and fold another towel around them. Make sure that the rest of your body is kept warm and that there is no draft. The calf wraps can be repeated several times as soon as the cloth has reached your own body temperature, but you should not use the wraps for more than half an hour at a time. In addition, calf wraps should only be used if the legs are warm before the treatment.
  • Vinegar Stockings: The little brother of the calf wraps. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with five parts water. A pair of cotton stockings are dipped into this liquid, then wrung out and pulled up over the calves if possible. The patient should rest well covered and dry their feet carefully after the treatment.
  • Washing: In order to slowly lower the temperature and remove sweat residue, the household remedy of washing is a good idea. To do this, take a damp washcloth that is no more than ten degrees cooler than body temperature and rub it down from top to bottom. It is then important to cover yourself up and give your body a rest for half an hour. The wash can be varied by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the liquid. This has an additional cooling effect and also reduces the fever.
  • Full bath: Fill the bathtub with warm water that corresponds to your body temperature. After putting it in, the water is gradually filled with cool water, so that after 10-15 minutes the temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius. After you have dried yourself properly, bed rest is important. If you are too weak for a full bath, you can also take a foot bath.
  • Medicinal plants and teas: Linden blossom and elder blossom tea, gardenia tree, rosehip and chamomile have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. However, the teas from the supermarket only have a small effect. Prefer to drink medicinal teas from the pharmacy or the health food store.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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