Exercises that supports your cardiovascular system

Movement strengthens the heart organ and protects against diseases. The good thing: No top performance is necessary for this. We show three sports possibilities that strengthen our heart.

It doesn’t have to be the most extreme sport that promotes our health. Just a little exercise several times a week strengthens the heart and muscles . We have selected 3 types of training for you and are sure: there is something for everyone!

1. Moderate exercise

Why that?

It doesn’t always have to be “real” sport to do something good for the heart. All forms of movement in everyday life also have a positive effect. An agile, active lifestyle has been proven to lead to cholesterol levels in the recommended normal range.

Who benefits?

Any movement is better than none at all. Therefore, moderate physical activity is particularly suitable for the less sporty among us. Walks count too. And the sunlight that we enjoy allows the body to produce vitamin D. In addition to our heart, our immune system is also dependent on thisTolfioow substance.

How often and how long?

In everyday life, we should take every opportunity to be physically active. The rule is: At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. A division into several time periods of at least ten minutes each is also possible.


Brisk walking (that we could just about talk) or housework and gardening can easily be integrated into everyday life. It’s best to leave the car at home or get on a bike.

2. Strength training

Why that?

This form of movement strengthens the muscles in particular, so we have more power. This in turn benefits the cardiovascular system in its work. The risk of overloading the heart by overtaxing weak muscles is significantly reduced.

Who benefits?

Strength training is suitable for people of all ages who are interested in sports. In addition to building muscle mass, the “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood is also reduced. Patients suffering from arthrosis or osteoporosis have an additional benefit. Strength training stabilizes the joints and can prevent further bone loss.

How often and how long?

We recommend three sessions of around 30 to 60 minutes per week.


Training on large machines is possible in the gym (beginners should start with light weights). If you like it more handy, you can use small devices such as dumbbells. A Theraband is also good. Strength training also works with your own body weight (e.g. push-ups).

3. Endurance sports

Why that?

The focus here is on maintaining the same movement over a longer period of time. The heart muscle enlarges and blood flows through it better. And: The oxygen requirement of the heart decreases. We don’t get out of breath so quickly in everyday life either.

Who benefits?

Endurance can be trained into old age. A relatively large effect can be achieved with comparatively little effort. For example, regular exercise lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients (hypertension: high blood pressure). In many cases, after consulting a doctor, the dose of medication can be reduced and, if things go well, blood pressure medication can even be dispensed with altogether.

How often and how long?

Doctors recommend at least three units of 30 to 60 minutes each per week.


Those who shake a leg not only promote stamina but also their coordination skills and create sociability. A good alternative is swimming. This sport stimulates the entire cardiovascular system. A plus: the joints are only slightly stressed in the water.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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