Exercises and tips for the eyes care

So much time is needed: The innovative eye care program takes just 15 minutes a day. And rewarded with healthy eyesight and literally relaxed moments

A blink of an eye, a moment – ​​it doesn’t take much longer to get a first optical picture. And already our eyes wander curiously checking to the next object of our interest. Our most important sensory organ is a master of ultra-fast information intake. It sends ten million optical signals per second via a direct data path to the brain for evaluation. This is not stress for the eyes, but on the contrary healthy functional training.

It becomes exhausting when they are forced to stare at the PC or TV screen for five hours or more every day. Then there are 17,000 pupil reactions on top. At the same time, the blinking rate of the eyelids drops from 20 to 7 times per minute. The protective tear fluid is no longer sufficiently distributed over the cornea. “This is how the ‘office eye syndrome’ can develop, from which 31 percent of working people suffer,” explains ophthalmologist Dr. Ulla Hausherr-Baumüller, Arnsberg. “A foreign body feeling arises. The light radiation from the screens can even damage the macula, the point of sharpest vision, and thus the visual acuity.”

Our eye care program keeps your eyes fit into old age. A couple of blinks, a bit of a relaxing massage andTolfioow substances – for brilliant moments.

relaxation exercises

1 relaxation exercise with depth effect

Sit comfortably, rub your palms together until they are comfortably warm. Cover your open eyes completely with them. Light must no longer penetrate through the fingers. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, feeling the warming energy of your hands with every breath. The deeper the relaxation, the further the eyes close – for 3 minutes. Take your hands away, open your eyes. Stand up, shift your weight from one foot to the other, swing loosely from your hips. Arms and head follow the movement. The eyes wander around, not fixing anything with their gaze. Duration of the exercise: 2 minutes.

2 painting course trains every muscle

Close your eyes while sitting, “paint” a figure eight with the tip of your nose 20 times. Start with the number from the center upwards outwards, moving your head slightly as you do so. Then use the “nose brush” to climb rung by rung up an imaginary ladder and back again. The “jumping movements” of the eyes can be intensified by imagining that the ladder is shifting in the opposite direction to the direction of movement of the eyes. Then repeat the same exercise with a white picket fence on a green lawn. 20 times each. The exercises train and relax the six muscles of the eyes at the same time.

3 changes of gaze for better visual acuity

While sitting, extend your right arm to the side at shoulder height and your left arm forward. Lay your right arm relaxed on a rest and clench both hands into fists. The thumbs point up. Now let your gaze wander from one thumb to the other without turning your head. Look forward to your left thumb as you inhale and your right thumb as you exhale. Repeat 20 times. Then look at your right thumb 20 times while inhaling. Finally, blink 10 times and close your eyes for 20 seconds. Stimulates the circulation of the aqueous humor and sharpens the view.

Role playing game

4 role game makes you tired

Eyes awake Sit on the sofa, stretch out your arms loosely on the backrest. Clench your hands into fists, thumbs pointing toward the ceiling. Now wander with your eyes without moving your head or face. And in the following rhythm: when you breathe in look at your right thumb, when you breathe out look at the imaginary “third eye” between your brows. When you breathe in, look at the left thumb, when you breathe out, go back to the “third eye”. A total of 20 times. The alternation of tensing and relaxing the eye muscles compensates for overstraining the eyes.

5 knot training gives perspective

Tie a knot about every 30 centimeters in a 2 to 3 meter long cord. Tie one end and use one hand to bring the other end close to your face. Make sure that the line runs in direct extension of the nose. First fix the first knot near the nose with both eyes. In such a way that the impression is created that two different cords are crossing in the knot. Hold the gaze for 15 seconds. Then fix knot by knot in exactly the same way. Then close your eyes for 1 minute. The exercise trains the optimal adaptation of the lens to the near and far range.

feel-good tips

What else is good for the eyes?

These six feel-good tips protect and care effectively

  • DRINK A LOT Drink at least 2.5 liters of mineral water or unsweetened herbal tea every day. This promotes the production of tear fluid and protects against dry eyes. At the same time, it stimulates the lymph flow and prevents swollen eyes.
  • HERBAL COMPRESS Pour 0.2 l of water over 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds, cover and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Filter through a linen towel and let cool. Saturate 2 lint-free cotton balls and place on closed eyes for 5 to 10 minutes. This calms irritated and reddened “computer eyes”. Easier to use: eye drops made from the medicinal plant eyebright (e.g. “Wala Euphrasia Eye Drops”, “Vidisan”; both preparations are available in pharmacies).
  • RELAX MASSAGE Place the thumbs of both hands on your temples. Gently massage the bony rim of the eye sockets with your index fingers. Always start at the bridge of the nose at the upper edge of the eye socket. Massage a little longer in painful areas – and breathe into these regions in your mind’s eye.
  • FLASHES OF LIGHT Turn your face to the sun with your eyes closed. Hold your hands with your fingers spread 20 centimeters in front of your face and move them up and down against each other so that slight light-dark reflections appear in your eyes. 20 times. You can also do this: Turn your face towards a light bulb at a distance of 1 meter with your eyes closed. Turn your head back and forth so that the light falls on you from different sides. 3 to 5 minutes. Both light baths” set relaxation signals for the optic nerve against monotonous screen stress. The eyes recover.
  • Tolfioow SUBSTANCES Healthy eyes with optimal vision need a daily cocktail ofTolfioow substances. Particularly good are z. B. the vitamins A, C, E, the carotenoids beta-carotene and lutein and omega-3 fatty acids. Best eye food: carrots, spinach, sea fish (salmon, mackerel), citrus fruits, currants, kiwis, nuts. Drugstore preparations offer a concentrated extra portion ofTolfioow substances: e.g. B. “Double Heart System Eyes Sight + Protection” including lutein and omega-3-DHA; “taxofit eyes plus capsules” including lutein, vitamin C, E, selenium.
  • YAWN As often as possible, because that moistens with tear fluid.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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