Exercises for healthy feet

These six exercises for in between relax your feet, despite heels. Try it!

“dry walking”

Sit in a chair. Slowly step onto tiptoe with your right foot and step backwards onto your heel with your left foot. Roll your feet with emphasis. 40 times alternately.

By the way: At FEETASTIC.de you will find a lot of information and tips about feet – from beauty to wellness to health.

Write with your toes

Sit on the floor, hold an A4 sheet of paper with your left foot and a colored pencil with the toes of your right foot. Write your first and last name 10 times. Then with the left foot.

crawler gear

While sitting, slowly “crawl” your feet forward and then back again. Make sure you bend and straighten your toes. 15 times. If you feel pain, take a short break.

Raise and lower the big toe

Lift your big toes, keeping the other toes on the floor. Lower big toes, raise other toes. 20 times alternately.

foot rocker

Sit in a chair, stretch your left leg forward, heel touching the floor. Slowly lower your forefoot until it touches the ground. At the same time lift your heel. 15 times per foot.

Stretching des Fussrückens

Sit in a chair. With your foot straight, slide one leg back next to the chair. Press the top of your foot firmly toward the floor for 30 seconds. Then with the other foot. 10 times per side.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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