Elderly care: When parents and grandparents need help

There comes a time when family members are dependent on help in everyday life due to their age. The type of care required depends on various factors.

Do you have parents or grandparents who can no longer cope with their everyday life without support? Then there are a number of ways you can help them out. Of course, there are very different factors that play an important role. These include age, mobility and personal needs. We would like to briefly introduce you to the forms of care that come into question.

Good organization from a distance

If they are very busy professionally or even live in a different city than the older family member, then personal support is difficult or almost impossible to implement. It is all the more important that you find a suitable way of helping your grandma, grandpa or parents. Of course, it depends on whether it’s occasional purchases or 24-hour supportgoes. While you, a care worker, neighbors or a student can do the weekly bulk shopping, it is a bit different when it comes to all-round care. It is important that you have a good and safe feeling about the service and know that your relatives are in good hands. 24-hour care is a practical alternative to residential care. In this way, your parents or grandparents can continue to live at home and be looked after by nursing staff around the clock.

More mobility

Seniors, who are actually still very independent and are only restricted in their movement, are dependent on a completely different form of help. Mobile support is available so that everyday life can still be managed well and you can do smaller errands and purchases yourself. This can be a rollator, a walker or an electric vehicle. Depending on the severity of the physical limitation, different variants are possible. While short distances can often be covered with a simple walking aid, things look a little different for longer tours and shopping. With a scooter or electric vehicle , your family will immediately become significantly more mobile and can master everyday life, shopping and excursions on their own again and enjoy the freedom they have regained.

The multi-generational household

It used to be quite normal for several generationslived under one roof and supported each other. A few decades followed in which this model was implemented less and less and the urge for freedom and independence prevailed. In the meantime, however, multi-generational households are enjoying great popularity again. While grandma and grandpa look after the children during the day or in the evening, the middle generation goes shopping and takes care of the house and garden as much as possible. Three age groups benefit from this shared flat. Residential properties in which there are separate apartments in a building, so that everyone can withdraw if necessary, are particularly popular. Whether this family model would be a good option for you naturally depends on your personal needs and attitude to life. It is particularly important

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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