Table of Contents
Exercise for the jaw
Emotional stress in a partnership or at work is often the cause of a tense jaw. Grinding your teeth at night (every fifth person does it), called bruxism, also leads to jaw pain.
That’s it
Check your jaws: Are they tense at the moment? Then the practice makes the jaw muscles supple again.
How to do it
Sit comfortably. Clench your jaw and feel your temporal muscles with your fingertips. Release the bite again and start massaging the temples in a circular motion. Then put your fingers in the middle under your cheekbone. Clench your jaw again and feel your chewing muscles. Now massage the affected cheek areas with gentle pressure for at least two minutes. Also helps with mild headaches .
Exercise for the neck
In everyday life, we rarely keep our necks straight: We sit with our necks stretched out at the PC, work in the kitchen with our heads bent. As a result, the neck muscles have to work harder to hold the head against gravity.
it. Resist. This strengthens the neck muscles and relieves them at the same time.
Here’s how
: Stand up straight, arch your neck, and look straight ahead. Now clasp both hands behind your head and gently push your head back against the resistance of your hands. Build up the pressure slowly. Your head and hands should create equal pressure. Be careful not to tilt your head forward or backward. Hold the tension for two breaths, then relax for three breaths. 2 to 3 times in a row.
Loosen up the upper body
Exercise for the shoulder
Problems in this area radiate to the neck and affect overall posture. Tensions can be caused by one-sided strain, constant overloading, incorrect posture or under-exertion.
That’s it
The alternation of tightening and loosening creates an intense feeling of relaxation.
Here’s how it
works: Stand up straight, your arms hanging loosely at your side, and look straight ahead. Take a deep breath and slowly pull both shoulders towards your ears. Now hold your breath and pull your shoulders up. You can feel possible tension in the shoulder area. As you exhale, let your shoulders drop back down. The release can be reinforced if you utter a sound like “ha”. Repeat 10 times.
Exercise for the chest
It plays a central role in straightening the upper body. It also reflects our mood: anxious people pull in their chests, self-confident people stretch them forward.
That’s it
By stretching the chest muscles, the chest expands. This promotes the flow of breath and gives noticeably more energy. It also relieves the spine.
How to do it
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Bring your arms behind your body and interlace your fingers. Now straighten your arms and push down. Pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. The result : the chest opens. Hold the tension for 2-3 breaths, then release. Repeat the exercise 2 to 4 times.
exercise for the back
Little movement, weak muscles, stress and static sitting positions – the main reasons for back pain. We could avoid these complaints, for example, by frequently alternating between sitting, standing and walking.
That’s it
With the pelvic tilt you promote the mobility of your lumbar spine. This is particularly stressed by long periods of sitting. Good for women who often “have it in their backs”.
Here’s how it
works Sit upright on the front third of a chair and place your feet hip-width apart. Rest your hands on your hips at your side. Now just focus on your lower back and pelvis. Try to breathe evenly into your abdomen. When you breathe in, it bulges outward, when you breathe out, it flattens out. Tilt your pelvis forward as you inhale and backward as you exhale. Do the tilting movements consciously and slowly up to 5 times in each direction. Variation: practice standing up, which uses even more muscles.
Do something good for the body quickly
exercise for the hands
No part of the body is as closely linked to the brain as the hands. Finger exercises alone increase blood flow to two thirds of the brain. Retentiveness and short-term memory can be significantly improved with simple training.
That’s it
Playing with an imaginary resistance increases the mobility of the fingers and strengthens the hand. At the same time, you practice performing soft, flowing movements even when you are very tense.
That helps with stress
Inner restlessness during the day and insomnia at night are often the first signs that you are constantly under stress. But chronic tension makes you sick. It is therefore better to take countermeasures in good time. With “Neurexan” you have a natural drug at your disposal that quickly restores your inner balance. The active ingredient combination of passion flower, oats, coffee and zinc salt quickly relieves nervousness and lets you sleep better at night. This gives you the strength you need to deal with your sources of stress and to initiate measures to cope with stress. “Neurexan” is available in pharmacies as a tablet without a prescription.
Here’s how it
works Bend one arm loosely in front of your body and look at your hand with concentration. Slowly clench your fingers into a fist. Imagine your hand is a flower bud. Simulate the blooming of this bud by slowly opening your fingers against an imagined resistance. Finally, spread your fingers. Then close your hand against resistance. Repeat 2 times per hand.
exercise for the legs
Lack of exercise weakens the calf muscles and damages the venous valves. This leads to poor blood circulation throughout the body. Take precautions in good time.
works Counteracts shortened and tense calf muscles. Good for high heel fans.
This is how it
works Take a lunge step, the front knee is slightly bent, the back leg is straight. Slowly press the heel of the straight leg into the floor until you feel a stretch. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds. Do not rock, but stand still. Then briefly relax both legs and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
exercise for the feet
As a kind of foundation of the body, they perform at their best every day. When walking alone, several times our body weight acts on the heels.
That’s it
Toe claws are the best method against circulatory disorders in the feet.
How it
works Sit barefoot on a chair. Lift one foot off the ground and clench your toes tightly. Hold tension for 2-3 seconds, then release. To compensate, pull your toes up and spread them apart. Four reps on each foot.
Interview with the inventor
The inventor of the exercise program, Prof. Dr. Norbert Fessler works at the Institute for Physical Education and Sport at the Karlsruhe University of Education.
Tolfioow: How did you come up with the idea for your program?
Norbert Fessler: Because of my stressful everyday work. Because my free time is scarce, I was looking for something to relax that I could easily fit into my daily routine and didn’t require any equipment. Based on my experience with relaxation programs, I quickly found that even short exercise sequences had a “rapidly effective” effect on me and had a strong buffering effect on the stress.
What criteria did you use to select the exercises?
In extensive research, my team and I filtered everyday, body-based exercises with a relaxing effect. From this we formed nine self-learnable programs that include all areas of the body with a total of 67 exercises. Measurements have proven that just a few minutes of this training are enough to relax the body and get the mind going again.
Your program is called “SeKa”. What does the abbreviation mean?
Self-instructional body mindfulness program. This means that everyone can influence their bodily functions, such as breathing, themselves. Concentrated body work also has a direct effect on the head, calms the nerves and makes you fit.