Detox: The new therapeutic fasting

Are you feeling tired and drained? Does your skin look sallow and sagging? Try the new detox trend. We tell you what’s behind it and what you should pay attention to.
Fast food and stress are not good for your body and make it tired and weary. On the other hand, purification often helps – or in new German “detox”. Those who want to fast want to use it to combat the sallow complexion and strengthen the immune system – just to get life going again.

Table of Contents

What’s behind the trend?

“Detox on the fly”, “Detox to go” or “Detox Delight” – there are many different ways to follow the trend. The original detox involves not eating too much, avoiding alcohol and nicotine, and avoiding certain chemicals that are said to form waste products in the body.
Anyone who detoxes avoids foods that are too acidic for the body, such as cheese, meat, coffee, sweets and white flour, for a few days. However, before it can really get started, the bowel must be emptied. After that, two fruit and vegetable days are on the program, which should relieve the body. The diet in the following days is high in fiber and consists of fruit, vegetables and raw vegetable juices. Sauna sessions, massages, peelings, yoga and Pilates are part of a good detox cure.

So funktioniert´s

Stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Aniston and Alex Baldwin swear by the gentle body cleansing. After 7-14 days you will feel reborn – and without a zero diet. A detox should be done once a year. February and March are the best months to shake off the old winter ballast and start spring fit. Sport is expressly desired in this trend – it accelerates the desired result. Unlike typical fasting, detoxing allows you to eat, but only healthy food.
Tip: Carrots, beetroot and celery ensure shiny hair, a cleansed liver and increased calorie burning.
Why don’t you try a fasting cure where you lose a lot of weight >>

This is what a detox day looks like

6:15 am: Start the day with lukewarm water and the juice of half a lemon. This gets the metabolism going and stimulates the kidneys and liver.
7:00 a.m.: How about a round of yoga? This gets the blood pumping and starts the detoxification process.
8.00 a.m.: Mix a delicious smoothie to start the day with full vitamin power. Spinach, half a cucumber and some rocket for the savory smoothies, apple, ginger and a carrot for the sweeter smoothies – try what you like.
8:30 a.m.: Start drinking heavily. Water and tea are best for this. Make sure you get about two liters a day.
11:00 a.m.: Drink up to four cups of green tea a day. This is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.
12:00 p.m.: A delicious salad for lunch. Green salad with red, yellow and orange vegetables is nutrient dense and gives the body the power to detox. You can also drink kefir with your salad. Lactic acid bacteria strengthen the immune system and stimulate digestion.
4:00 p.m.: Do some sport, preferably in nature. 30 minutes jogging is good for body and soul.
6:00 p.m.: Something light for dinner. A vegetable soup with herbs and olive oil is just the ticket.
8.30 p.m.: A hot bath to relax and then you go to bed with a good book. The best time for the detox process is to sleep.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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