Bright sunshine, blue sky, cozy warmth. But almost 40 percent of us feel weak and battered right now, are constantly tired, weak and listless. Is it an illness? No, probably not. Because with increased UV radiation, more ozone and high temperatures, 15 times more free radicals form in the body than e.g. B. in autumn or spring. These aggressive oxygen compounds damage the cells. For our organism this means repair, repair, repair. That takes a lot of strength – and makes us so limp.
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Exactly the right time to relieve the body of its strenuous repair work. Best with Detox light – a light detoxification program . Even a mini detoxification cure of ten days manages to slow down the destructive work of free radicals. In addition, the body is freed from pollutants that penetrate the sensitive human ecosystem with food or air.
Additives from food are among them, but also pesticide components, medicinal substances – or summer ozone smog. This “garbage” has to go before it makes us sick. Naturopathic treatments appropriately describe the detox process as a “gentle elimination of stressful substances” .
Especially in summer, detoxing is under a favorable star: The metabolism is now 15 to 18 percent more active than in the dark season – and therefore very receptive to an additional boost. He gets that with our five detox drinks with fruits, vegetables or spices like cinnamon. They contain phytochemicals such as B. essential oils or bitter substances, but also enzymes that stimulate the metabolism and accelerate the detoxification work of the liver, kidneys and intestines, as well as antioxidants that bind pollutants. Great side effect: the cool detox drinks make your figure nice and slim.
These five cleansing cocktails are inexpensive, quick to mix and take effect in just two days.
Cold cinnamon tea with orange flavor
Finely grate the zest from 1/2 unwaxed orange. Cook together with 2 cinnamon sticks in 1 liter of boiling water for about 4 to 5 minutes. Let simmer for another 3 minutes on a lower level. Then strain and put in the fridge. Drink throughout the day. 10 to 14 days long.
Kiwi and green grapefruit smoothie
Peel 225 g kiwi and 70 g green grapefruit, cut into pieces. Add 1-2 tsp honey and the juice of 1/2 lime. Mix everything with 60 ml of still water in a blender until it has the thick consistency of a smoothie. Put in the fridge, drink before breakfast. Every morning for three weeks.
Detox for everyone and products that help “Milde Derivation Diet” by Erich Rauch, Trias, 184 pages, 14.95 euros. A detox classic with 120 recipes
Apple and celery shake
Clean and cut 8 carrots and 6 sticks of celery into pieces. Wash 2 apples and cut into pieces with peel. Juice apples and vegetables . Fill up with three times the amount of still mineral water and put in the fridge. Drink throughout the day. Two weeks long. If you don’t have a juicer, you can mix natural apple, celery and carrot juice (health food store, health food store).
Boil 0.7 liters of cranberry juice (health food store). Peel an approx. 6 cm long, fresh piece of ginger root and cut into thin slices. Pour into the hot juice and let steep for 10 minutes. Pour through a sieve. Squeeze 2 oranges, pour the juice over the cranberry juice. Put something into the fridge. Drink this mix throughout the day for 10 days.
Pineapple ginger drink with mint
Cut 400 g fresh pineapple into pieces, peel a 5 to 7 cm long piece of fresh ginger root. Wash 1 packet of fresh mint in cold water, pluck off the leaves. Juice everything together, sweeten with a little honey if necessary and drink immediately – preferably before breakfast. Two weeks long.