You like yoga and you like to dance? Then you will love Shakti Dance! Because it combines both. Based on the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, dance teacher Sara Olivier developed her idea of Shakti Dance: She wanted the dancers to benefit from the health benefits of yoga, strengthen their femininity and experience the movement as fun.
Protection against inflammatory processes The
fact that regular yoga protects against serious inflammation is now considered proven. A recent Ohio State University study of 50 adult women shows that yoga exercises even lower the concentration of pro-inflammatory proteins in the blood. These substances are found in a number of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and joint problems. As with classic yoga, correct breathing is also important in Shakti dance: deep breathing supplies the whole body with oxygen and tension is released.
Find your own rhythm
First, take a few relaxed breaths and stretch your spine. To do this, stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Then slowly lower your hands towards the floor, roll them up again and string each individual vertebrae like pearls on a necklace. Repeat five times – and then start dancing! Move at your own pace, follow your body. Any yoga music is suitable as music, for beginners e.g. B. the CD “Har Ji – Mirror of the soul” by Ram Singh (approx. 18 euros, can be ordered from Or you attend a course (approx. 20 euros per hour), therapists via