Chakra Power: Come into your power

Chakras are largely responsible for psychological well-being and the flow of energy. Through various exercises you can get your seven chakras flowing – and you can find balance. 

Would you like more strength and energy and would you like to harmonize your chakras? Have you always been interested in the chakras and wondered what else is possible with their activation?

Yoga teacher Nicole Bongartz has devoted herself to exactly this topic with Yoga

Easy: ” Chakra power: come into your power “.

In this program, Nicole Bongartz guides you through the seven chakras . For a week, focus on one of your seven main energy centers each day – ascending from the root chakra to the crown chakra on day seven. In addition, there is a reading tip every day, with which you can read up on the topic in detail.

3 questions for Nicole Bongartz

What are chakras or which chakras are there?

Chakras are part of the subtle body in yoga. This is our energetic body. So it’s not about anything you can see, about anything physical. It’s about something you can perceive, something related to human energy that hasn’t been explored yet.

The chakras are lined up one above the other along the spine. Similar to Frankfurt Airport – where a lot of trains meet. Between the chakras, along the spine, are the Granthis, the energy blockages or knots. Comparable to this sand toy with the interlocking wheels: If you pour sand in the top, everything spins. But if only one spot is clogged, at some point nothing will work anymore.

There are 7 main chakras and 21 others, for example those on the hands and feet are interesting. But it is all just a model, an experienced knowledge that yogis have received in higher meditation and are now trying to explain with pictures. We already live these images. For example, when we have a communicative blockage, we speak of a lump in the throat, i.e. exactly where the throat chakra is, which stands for communication. Or we say “My legs are shaking.” This alludes to the root chakra, which is responsible for trust. So these are the same zones that we are talking about.

The chakras at a glance

Muladhara, the root chakra at the base of the spine, stands forTolfioowity, connectedness and basic trust. Svadisthana, the sacral chakra , is located a little higher in the pelvic area , where creativity, pleasure and pleasure are at stake. Further up in the abdomen is Manipura , the navel chakra or radiant jewel. This is where the I-identity sits, this is where personal feelings and goals are evoked. Then follows, in the center of the chest, ​Anahata , the heart chakra . It is the center of love, devotion, compassion, healing and also artistic understanding. The Vishuddha, the throat chakra, is the center of communication, this is also where our truth is located. Between the eyebrows is the ​Ajna or brow chakra , our third eye. This is where intuition, spirit and reason gather. At the highest point of the head we find the Sahasrara Chakra , the Crown Chakra or also the thousand-petalled lotus. It is considered the gateway to the universe and stands for trust in God, spirituality, humility and freedom.

How is Chakra Yoga different from other yoga sessions?

The difference lies in the intention, the exercises are not fundamentally structured differently, they are just approached differently. I can do the warrior 2 to strengthen and perfectly align the body or I can do the warrior 2 to feel my pelvic and heart chakra.

What are your three top exercises in Chakra Yoga?

  1. Kapalabhati, the Fire Breath: It pumps energy from the bottom up through the body. This in combination with the activation of the bandhas, our energy channels, is a real energy boost.
  2. King of the Mountain: Standing, interlace your fingers, arms overhead and look up.
  3. Warrior 1: The classic runs from bottom to top through all chakras, which almost all open to the front. Very nice to feel and build up.

This is how the yoga routine works

This much is clear: regular yoga is good for you. So that this also works in the hustle and bustle of everyday life: Simply get on the mat online with ​YogaEasy​ . The online yoga studio is open 24/7 and always offers exactly what you need. With personal access on the computer or smartphone, you can practice when, where and for how long you want. It doesn’t matter whether it’s supposed to be slow or in the flow, whether for beginners or professionals – in the more than 1,000 professional yoga and meditation videos you ‘re guaranteed to find something suitable.

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Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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