Causes of joint diseases

Diseases such as arthritis or rheumatism can severely restrict everyday life. We will explain the causes and inform you about suitable treatment options.

Almost every second German over 45 is affected by joint diseases. This points to one of the main characteristics of joint diseases: they are a typical sign of wear and tear and therefore of aging. Osteoarthritis or rheumatism can severely limit those affected in everyday life. The pain sometimes even makes it impossible to do regular work.

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In addition to heavy, one-sided joint stress, for example due to incorrect execution of movements or body deformities, there are also genetic factors that can promote joint disease. Furthermore, widespread diseases such as obesity or long-lasting, incorrect sitting in the office are of course to be mentioned as triggers for joint diseases. Those who do hard, physical work often have less of the problem of having to sit too much, but rather that the joints are more worn out by the work.

At the beginning of a joint disease, this usually manifests itself in stress-related pain or restricted mobility. If you consult a doctor early on, you may be able to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Table of Contents

cure joint diseases

Anyone who receives the diagnosis of arthrosis or rheumatism is shocked at first. In many cases, joint diseases are not considered curable, at most an improvement in the general condition is predicted. However, with targeted treatment, the quality of life can improve significantly, even with the disease.

Joint Pain Help: Which Over-The-Counter Remedies Really Help? When is it better to ask the doctor? That reveals our series. This month: joint pain>>

As with many diseases, a healthy diet can lead to a significant improvement in symptoms. Many diseases are self-inflicted, which means that an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to or accelerate the onset. Food with little fat and sugar, a good mix with a high fiber content of whole grain products, fruit and vegetables and little animal protein not only keeps you slim and fit, but also keeps your joints going.

Enzyme therapy for rheumatism and arthritis

Joint diseases are often caused by inflammation. Enzymes naturally help to reduce inflammatory reactions more quickly. This can be observed, for example, in the case of bruises: the body’s own enzymes break down the blood pigment hemoglobin, leaving the typical yellow-bluish discoloration, the body transports the split blood residues away more quickly. This effect of enzymes can also be used for the inflammatory symptoms of joint diseases. Trypsin, for example, which improves the flow properties of the blood, or bromelain, which reduces swelling, are often used.

There are both combination and mono preparations. It is best to have an experienced doctor explain the active ingredients that are suitable for you before you take over the medication yourself.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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