Both our urine and our bowel movements reveal a lot about our health, which is why changes in the excretion should always be kept in mind. But what does it mean if the stool looks green? We explain the 3 causes of green stool.
If we notice that our chair looks different than usual, we get a shock at first. However, there is no reason to panic if your stool turns out to be a different color than usual. The discoloration can be caused by various factors – above all our diet.
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Green stool from diet
Just as red wine or beetroot can cause a short-term red colouration, foods containing the plant pigment chlorophyll can turn the stool green. Foods that are particularly high in chlorophyll include nettle, broccoli, green beans, peas, kale and spinach. On top of that, artificial dyes can change the color of the stool. If the green stool appears unrelated to your diet or persists longer, there may be other reasons behind it.
Green stool: 3 causes
1. Salmonelleninfektion
Salmonella infection is usually caused by food contaminated with Salmonella. Foods that can give you a salmonella infection include eggs or raw meat. Typical symptoms associated with the disease are sudden diarrhea, which can also contain blood or mucus, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting or fever. The stool can also turn green. In general, stool can turn green in diarrhea because the stool passes through the intestines so quickly that the green pigment biliverdin cannot be processed. If symptoms persist for more than 5 to 7 days, you should seek medical advice.
2. intestinal parasites
As disgusting as it sounds, intestinal parasites can actually be the cause of altered stool. The worms enter the body through contaminated water, for example in vacation countries. For example, the parasite Giardia lamblia attaches itself to the wall of the small intestine and can cause symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and green stools in those affected. In people with an immune deficiency or other previous illnesses, the infection can be dangerous, which is why those affected should consult a doctor with symptoms of this type.
3. Taking medication
Although the green stool can indicate a disease, it can also be caused by taking a certain medication. For example, iron supplements can turn stool black or green. Likewise, laxatives cause diarrhea, which causes the nutrients and bile to not be properly processed by the intestines – turning green as a result. Aside from that, antibiotics can upset the sensitive gut flora, which can turn stool green.
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Green stools from alcohol
Because alcohol affects the cells of the small intestine, some people experience loose stools ranging from diarrhea to excessive alcohol consumption. If the stool is passed too quickly and the green pigment biliverdin is not processed, it can be green in color. If alcohol is the cause of the stool changes, however, these should regulate themselves again over the course of a day.
Green stool: when to see a doctor?
As a general rule, you should always seek medical advice if changes in your output last longer than a few days. Especially if there are one or more other symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, mucus in the stool or constipation.
By the way: Particular caution is required if your stool turns black . A doctor should always be consulted immediately!