Causes and Symptoms of Cystitis: How To Get Rid

If it burns and hurts when going to the toilet, the most common cause is inflammation of the bladder. You can find out what helps with a bladder infection here.

It hurts when urinating on the toilet and there is an unpleasant burning sensation in the abdomen – every second woman knows these typical symptoms of a bladder infection . Incidentally, men suffer much less frequently from an infection of the urinary tract. But regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, a bladder infection should not be underestimated.

However, if a bladder infection is delayed and rises to the kidneys, the inflammation can also spread to other organs, in the worst case leading to life-threatening blood poisoning. It is therefore essential to see a doctor if the signs of a bladder infection still appear after several days.

In technical terms, the bladder infection is called cystitis , an inflammation of the lower urinary tract. It is caused by bacteria in the gut called coliform bacteria. In most cases, the bacteria enter the bladder from the outside via the urethra, where the inflammation then develops.

Who is prone to bladder infections?

Some people suffer from a painful urinary tract infection at regular intervals. These individuals often have various risk factors that contribute to inflammation. These include, for example, a weakened immune system , narrowed urethra, urinary stones, tumors or an enlarged prostate. Functional disorders of the bladder or a backflow of urine can also promote cystitis. But regardless of whether you belong to one of the risk groups or not, signs of inflammation definitely require treatment.

Causes of cystitis

Two out of three women have a bladder infection at some point in their lives – they are affected much more often than men. The reason : the urethra is shorter in women than in men, so the pathogens, often E-coli bacteria , reach their destination faster. In addition, women during or after the menopause very often suffer from inflammation of the urethra due to hormonal changes. Pregnant women are particularly often affected, as the urinary tract widens and germs can penetrate more quickly. In these cases, a bladder infection can easily turn into a kidney infection, which can lead to a miscarriage. Pregnant women are therefore always treated with antibiotics. A weakened immune systemcan promote cystitis. Frequent sex irritates the mucous membranes, so that the bacteria have an easy time – the so-called “honeymoon cystitis”. Excessive intimate hygiene and spermicidal creams can also weaken the vaginal flora and increase the risk of cystitis. Side effects of certain medications and radiation can also promote cystitis.

Symptoms of cystitis

Typical of a urethritis: you have to go to the toilet all the time, but only a few drops come out. Sometimes it burns very unpleasantly when urinating. Blood in the urine or purulent discharge can be additional signs of a bladder infection. The urine can also become cloudy or the smell can change. In addition, there is often pain in the abdomen because the muscles cramp.

What to do if you have a bladder infection?

We have some tips for you that will help to treat the causes and symptoms of a bladder infection quickly. We also reveal how you can effectively prevent inflammation.

In the case of a mild urinary tract infection, home remedies often help for successful treatment.

  1. Replenish fluids: Despite the constant urge to urinate, the motto is: drink, drink, drink – preferably herbal teas (nettle, goldenrod or birch) or simply lots of water – two to three liters should be the norm. And urinate as often as possible. This is how you get rid of the germs. Avoid coffee, alcohol, citrus and sugary drinks as these irritate the bladder even more. In addition, elevated blood sugar levels can promote bacterial growth, which is why diabetics develop bladder infections more often than average.
  2. Heat strengthens the body’s defences: cold reduces blood circulation in the intimate area, while heat mobilizes the body’s defences. The good old hot-water bottle or a hot bath and then off to bed still help best. Alternatively, warm sitz baths with chamomile or poultices can help to relax the muscles and relieve the pain.
  3. Antibacterial natural medicine: The active ingredients are higher in tablets than in medicinal teas, for example. Therefore, it can make sense to use a dietary supplement. For example, a bearberry leaf extract is suitable. This reduces the number of pathogens (e.g. in “Arctuvan”; pharmacy). An extract from cranberries , the American relative of the lingonberry (“Tuim Urofemin”, pharmacy) can also help the inflammation to subside. Also effective is the duo-active formula with D-mannose and lactobacilli, which has a preventive effect and can also be used to treat signs of cystitis (“Femalac”, pharmacy).
  4. Cramp-like pain: Antispasmodic medication, for example with the active ingredient butylscopolamine (“Buscopan”; pharmacy), can help here.

When to the doctor?

If the symptoms persist or if other symptoms such as blood in the urine or fever occur in addition to the pain , a doctor’s visit is essential. Your doctor will examine the urine to see if there is any bacteria in it. A urine strip test can be used to detect certain substances in the urine that indicate an infection . Once the diagnosis of cystitis has been made, in some cases only antibiotics can help .

The type of infection plays an important role in deciding which antibiotic to prescribe. You only have to take some antibiotics once, others over several days. It is important that you follow the doctor’s instructions exactly and do not discontinue the antibiotic prematurely.

If fungi are found to be the causative agent of the infection, the doctor will prescribe antifungal agents.

Proper prevention of urinary tract diseases

Those prone to bladder disease should try following our tips to prevent recurrent inflammation.

  • Fluid : Make sure you always drink enough. You should avoid coffee and alcohol or reduce your consumption as much as possible.
  • Spices : You should also avoid strongly seasoned dishes. The spices irritate a sensitive bladder. People with an irritable bladder in particular should remove spicy dishes from their diet altogether.
  • Also, don’t delay going to the toilet for too long , because then the bacteria concentrate in the urinary tract.
  • Always keep your kidney area in particular nice and warm .
  • Stress can also promote inflammation, so it’s better to slow down and relax yourself and your body .
  • After a bowel movement, you should always wipe from the vagina to the anus . This reduces the risk of gastrointestinal bacteria getting into the urethra.
  • Wear cotton underwear and wash at 60 degrees – that tells every germ to fight. The panties should also not be too tight so that irritation of the pubic area is not promoted.
  • It is best to only clean your intimate area with warm water and without soap, as this can disturb the natural environment.
  • Cranberry juice is said to have an antibacterial effect and prevent bladder infections.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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