Can Vitamin D Help Against Depression?

Vitamin D is important for our health. We need the sun vitamin for our bones, our teeth, our immune system and also for our psychological well-being. Read here what influence vitamin D can have on depression.

What is depression?

Everyone has phases when they are temporarily depressed and in a low mood. If this condition persists, it may be depression . According to estimates by the German Depression Aid, around 5.3 million people in Germany suffer from depression in the course of a year. Affected people report a depressed, depressed mood and an inner emptiness. You lose interest in hobbies, activities with friends or family. Everyday activities take a lot of effort and lead to rapid fatigue.

Depressed people usually have vitamin D deficiency

Studies on the extent to which vitamin D can prevent depression or help against it have come to different conclusions. An American study states that treatment with the sun vitamin is ineffective. A Norwegian study found that a high intake of vitamin D can alleviate the symptoms of depression.

“Depressed people often have very low vitamin D levels. According to current studies, the risk of developing depression almost doubles with a low vitamin D level,” explains Dr. Tegtmeier from the Asklepios Stadtklinik Bad Wildungen online on the hospital’s website. “Compensating for vitamin D deficiencycan lead to a reduction in symptoms.” Because the vitamin is important in regulating the brain messenger substance serotonin. This activates the reward system in our brain and can provide feelings of happiness and a good mood. Furthermore, vitamin D influences the utilization of dopamine and the synthesis of norepinephrine – other messengers that affect our psychological well-being. In addition, the sun vitamin protects our nerve cells.

Important: Do not supplement yourself with vitamin D, but only after consultation with your doctor, who can determine your vitamin D level with a blood test. In the event of a vitamin D deficiency, he will advise you on the choice and intake of suitable preparations.

More on this here: Signs of a vitamin D overdose >>

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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