Can pills help you lose weight?

The easiest way to combat the obesity epidemic would be to give the pharmaceutical industry a license to print money: weight loss pills. But do appetite suppressants, fat blockers and the like really help with weight loss?

Most people who are overweight or even obese want to lose weight . Since changing your diet and going through an exercise program can be complex and exhausting, many dream of the easy way to your goal – tablets that make the pounds tumble. But what is it and what drugs are used?

Weight Loss Pills – Do They Really Help?

Losing weight on the pill sounds nicer in theory than it is in reality. Pills can cause weight loss in different ways. For example, there are  appetite suppressants that suppress the feeling of hunger, and fat blockers that inhibit the absorption of fatty acids, which reduces calorie intake. However, all of these remedies are accompanied by undesirable side effects that you should not underestimate. In addition to these tablets, which are specially designed for weight loss, there are also medications that are actually used to treat diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroidism have been developed and cause weight loss as a side effect. In the following, their modes of action, side effects and dangers will be explained.

To listen:  “Dr. Riedl talkt” podcast: Lose weight with medication >>

fat blockers

Fat blockers inhibit the so-called  lipases in the stomach and intestines. Lipases actually break down the fatty acids absorbed through food so that they can be absorbed in the intestine. Fat blockers such as orlistat inhibit this process so that less fat and calories are absorbed. However, at the same time, fat blockers prevent the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins E, D, K and A. This can lead to a vitamin deficiency . Fat blockers can also cause headaches, stomach aches, indigestion and promote respiratory infections.


There are many different types of appetite suppressants. Some are taken orally, while others, such as liraglutide, are even injected under the skin. The active ingredients contained either suppress appetite or cause an increased feeling of satiety . The problem with this is that the side effects are sometimes very severe – nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and abdominal pain. It can also lead to a drop in blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous. With certain foods, on the other hand, you can cause increased satiety without side effects. High- fiber foods such as flaxseed, chia seeds, whole grains and any vegetable keep you full for a long time and thus counteract cravings.

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Most diabetes medications lower blood sugar levels , leading to better glucose utilization. At the same time, less sugar is stored in the form of fat in the liver and fat cells. In diabetes studies, antidiabetics such as metformin and semaglutide were able to achieve strong and long-term weight loss. However, the control groups, who only changed their diet, usually lost weight faster. Due to the numerous side effects and consequential damage, such drugs may only be administered in consultation with and under strict supervision by a doctor. The most common side effects include gastrointestinal problems such as nausea and abdominal pain.

Thyroid hormone L-thyroxine

This thyroid hormone is used to treat an underactive thyroid. Since it boosts the metabolism in the body through its mode of action, weight loss can occur as a result of ingestion. However, L-thyroxine represents a strong intervention in the hormonal balance of a person and must therefore be strictly monitored by a doctor. If people with a healthy thyroid gland abuse L-thyroxine, the thyroid gland can become overactive, with serious consequential damage. L-thyroxine can also disrupt heart activity and trigger muscle cramps and muscle weakness.

Conclusion on weight loss tablets

Taking any medication should always be closely monitored by a doctor. Most of the drugs presented here are also drugs that were actually developed to combat certain diseases such as hypothyroidism or diabetes and can sometimes be associated with severe side effects and long-term damage. It is therefore absolutely necessary to refrain from using such tablets purely for weight loss. Fortunately, most of these remedies require a prescription in Germany and should therefore only be used if there is a medical need. The only way to lose weight without side effects is therefore still a long-term change in diet combined with physical activity .

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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