Study: Blood group influences the course of Covid-19

It has long been assumed that genetic factors play a role in combating the coronavirus. A new study by German and Norwegian scientists now confirms the suspicion: one blood group seems to be particularly susceptible to respiratory failure.

Covid-19: Blood groups influence the course of the disease

The genetic component can play a not unimportant role in the immune defense against diseases. This was also noticed in the course of Covid-19 patients. Norwegian and German researchers then investigated the connection between certain blood groups and the likelihood of respiratory failure during infection.

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A blood group particularly at risk for a severe course

The scientists found out that people with blood group A+ have a higher risk of respiratory failure during a Covid 19 infection. People with blood type 0 can consider themselves lucky – they are genetically better protected against the virus.

For the study , scientists Tom Karlsen from the Oslo University Hospital and Andre Franke from the University of Kiel and their research teams examined blood samples from over 1,600 patients. These are samples from patients who were treated in Spain and Italy for severe Covid 19 courses. In order to establish a connection between Covid-19 and the blood group, the DNA material of the patients was extracted and examined at certain points. These characteristics were then compared with over 2,000 healthy blood donors from the two countries.

A blood group has a protective effect against Covid-19

Chinese researchers had already noticed during initial investigations that an above-average number of Covid 19 patients had blood group A, while blood group 0 was suspected to have a kind of protective effect. Across Germany, about the same number of people have blood group A+ (about 37 percent of the population) and blood group 0+ (about 35 percent of the population). Blood group O- is less common with only about six percent.

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Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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