Almost everyone knows the feeling of tension in the stomach . After a sumptuous meal on a holiday or a hearty lunch, nausea, a feeling of fullness and abdominal pain can quickly occur. The symptoms occur particularly with very fatty and sweetened foods. The tense feeling of pressure in the abdomen is not only related to eating habits, but can also be a symptom of serious illnesses. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor in the event of prolonged nausea and a feeling of being stuffed, as well as pain that occurs independently of eating. The cause of the symptoms could be underlying disorders. These include, for example, causes such as a disturbed intestinal flora, an irritable stomach, inflammation of the stomach lining or a stomach ulcer. These diseases require medical treatment.
If the gastrointestinal muscles are sluggish, this prevents the food from being transported quickly. This leads to a feeling of stones in the stomach. The symptom of feeling full is often accompanied by flatulence. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, belching and heartburn can also occur. If bloating and nausea occur only occasionally, the cause is usually nothing serious and can be treated well with home remedies. We have put together some of them for you to alleviate the symptoms.
Table of Contents
Food when feeling full
- Food intolerances are often the cause of bloating and vomiting. Observe whether you experience abdominal pain or nausea after certain foods. That could be an indication.
- Those affected by digestive problems should avoid raw food as much as possible. Although raw food contains many vitamins, it is difficult for our body to digest. This can lead to abdominal pain, gas and bloating. Raw food is not recommended, especially after 6 p.m., as the stomach can no longer digest it in time for sleep.
- Likewise, flatulent foods such as white flour products, sugar, sweeteners, onions, garlic, legumes and cabbage should be avoided. That only makes the symptoms worse. The cause of the symptoms can also be heavily seasoned, greasy and sweet foods, as these require more work from the stomach.
- Beetroot : Beetroot supports the body’s natural detoxification process. To accelerate the removal of harmful germs from the body, you should drink a glass of beetroot juice every day.
- Carrots : Just three raw carrots a day stimulate digestion and thus prevent constipation and a feeling of fullness.
- Chia seeds : Chia seeds are among the classic bulking agents. In the body, they attract water and swell. The increased stool volume, together with the oil in the seeds, stimulates intestinal activity. You can put the seeds in muesli or pureed juices.
- Caraway : The essential oils of caraway have an antibacterial effect and stimulate the intestines. It is therefore a good home remedy for flatulence and nausea.
- Artichokes : The bitter substances in the plant contribute to improved fat processing. Since particularly fatty foods lead to a feeling of pressure, two tablespoons of fresh artichoke juice a day can counteract the feeling of fullness.
Home remedies for bloating
- Exercise helps to stimulate digestion and alleviate symptoms such as nausea and abdominal pain . Especially after eating, exercise helps with symptoms, as the food is digested faster. In addition, it is important to chew all food thoroughly and for a long time . In this way, the digestion process is initiated early on and the stomach does not experience any problems due to large quantities of unchewed food. In addition, you should always eat in peace so as not to swallow additional air. This air spreads in the stomach and causes the discomfort. To counteract bloating and nausea, it’s also a good idea to eat several small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones.
- It is also important to give the stomach enough liquid. If you drink too little liquid, the digestion process is slowed down, which in turn causes a feeling of fullness and nausea. If you also vomit, it is even more important to drink a lot to compensate for the lost fluid. But be careful not to drink too much carbonated beverages. This produces gases in the abdomen, which can lead to bloating and a tense feeling. However, you should not believe the myth that alcohol helps digestion after a large meal. Alcohol also irritates the stomach and thus has a negative effect on the symptoms.