Bleeding gums – causes and treatment tips

If your gums bleed, that’s a warning sign. The unpleasant bleeding of the gums indicates an inflammation, also called gingivitis. A visit to the dentist is due.

If the periodontium is inflamed, the body gives a clear warning signal. The reason for the sudden bleeding can be inflammation of the gums. Bleeding gums can be caused by a sharp object in the food, a sensitive area after a visit to the dentist, for example, or by biting too hard. There is usually nothing to worry about here. However, if you suffer from regular bleeding gums that are accompanied by pain, redness or pressure points, then you should definitely see your dentist.

Do you suffer from occasional bleeding gums?

The human organism is a true miracle and the occasional bleeding gums can be an alarm signal from your body. If plaque builds up in one or more places at the transition from tooth to gum, then the body is able to let you know via the bleeding that you need to brush better here. At this point you have to thoroughly remove the plaque, i.e. the dental plaque. This is the only way for the gums to heal and the inflammation to recede. Plaque mainly consists of (initially harmless) bacteria that we have in our oral flora. In addition, there are food residues and the sugar building blocks they contain. They are called multiple sugars or polysaccharides and break down during chewing. The coating is enriched with components of our saliva and various tissue cells, also called epithelial cells. Everything together sticks to the initially bacteria-free protective zone of the tooth. These are the pellicles that cannot be seen with the naked eye and that form a protective film around the tooth surfaces immediately after brushing your teeth. If the plaque that adheres there is not removed regularly and the pellicle cannot constantly renew itself, the gums become inflamed. Plaque is not only unsightly and the inflammation not only painful. If you don’t brush your teeth thoroughly on a regular basis, you are at risk of dangerous receding gums. This is periodontitis, a disease that is difficult or impossible to reverse.

Do your gums bleed frequently or even regularly?

The inflammatory change in the gums is called gingivitis in technical terms. Firmly adhering plaque that accumulates at the transition from tooth to gum over a longer period of time hardens easily. The gums are red and swollen, and the gums bleed frequently or regularly. Mild gingivitis is just the beginning. If the hardening dental plaque is not consistently removed, the bacteria multiply. They settle easily because the gum pockets are open and stand out slightly from the tooth surface. The reason for this is the swelling in the affected areas. New leftover food, saliva residue and bacteria keep getting into this minimal space. They increase the inflammation and cause the gums to bleed again and again. Bleeding is the body’s attempt to “flush” the bacteria from the gums. Here you have to support your natural defenses, because without regular dental hygiene, they can only fight off small inflammations on their own. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Based on your individual tooth position, he can recommend further aids such as dental brushes or tooth sides. And he explains exactly how you can prevent bleeding gums in the future. recommend other aids such as dental brushes or tooth side. And he explains exactly how you can prevent bleeding gums in the future. recommend other aids such as dental brushes or tooth side. And he explains exactly how you can prevent bleeding gums in the future.

Do you suffer from signs of periodontitis?

Here there is a long-term risk of tooth loss and you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. It is usually not possible for those affected to tell the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis. With gingivitis, “only” the gums are inflamed. In periodontitis, disease-causing, i.e. pathological, germs are present in the oral cavity, which, for example, cause a strange taste. If you notice a slightly metallic taste or have bad breath that doesn’t go away despite good dental hygiene, you could have periodontitis. Another sign of the onset of periodontitis is receding gums. If the periodontitis progresses without you intervening effectively, your jawbone and connective tissue can recede. The high concentration of periodontitis bacteria leads to a natural protection of the body. He withdraws from the affected areas and the gums are “pulled in”. This can result in bacteria getting into the jawbone. There they continue their destructive work and spread unchecked. Tooth loss is the logical consequence, because the teeth are deprived of any support. In addition, difficulties with dentures are usually to be expected in the affected areas, because the jawbone is soft, porous or constantly inflamed. Your dentist will be happy to give you detailed tips on proper oral hygiene for periodontitis and show you other treatment methods. He withdraws from the affected areas and the gums are “pulled in”. This can result in bacteria getting into the jawbone. There they continue their destructive work and spread unchecked. Tooth loss is the logical consequence, because the teeth are deprived of any support. In addition, difficulties with dentures in the affected areas are usually to be expected because the jawbone is soft, porous or constantly inflamed. Your dentist will be happy to give you detailed tips on proper oral hygiene for periodontitis and show you other treatment methods. He withdraws from the affected areas and the gums are “pulled in”. This can result in bacteria getting into the jawbone. There they continue their destructive work and spread unchecked. Tooth loss is the logical consequence, because the teeth are deprived of any support. In addition, difficulties with dentures in the affected areas are usually to be expected because the jawbone is soft, porous or constantly inflamed. Your dentist will be happy to give you detailed tips on proper oral hygiene for periodontitis and show you other treatment methods. There they continue their destructive work and spread unchecked. Tooth loss is the logical consequence, because the teeth are deprived of any support. In addition, difficulties with dentures in the affected areas are usually to be expected because the jawbone is soft, porous or constantly inflamed. Your dentist will be happy to give you detailed tips on proper oral hygiene for periodontitis and show you other treatment methods. There they continue their destructive work and spread unchecked. Tooth loss is the logical consequence, because the teeth are deprived of any support. In addition, difficulties with dentures in the affected areas are usually to be expected because the jawbone is soft, porous or constantly inflamed. Your dentist will be happy to give you detailed tips on proper oral hygiene for periodontitis and show you other treatment methods.

What does healthy gums look like?

Your gums are pale, pink and tight? Do you brush your teeth regularly and use an oral irrigator, dental floss and/or dental brushes to reliably remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas and remove bacteria from the gum pockets? Do you never have bleeding gums or only in isolated cases? (You bite into a hard apple, for example) Then you can rest easy: your oral flora is healthy and periodontitis bacteria have next to no chance. However, regular visits to the dentist are essential and protect you from undetected diseases in the oral cavity and on the periodontium. You will also receive effective tips for healthy teeth and gums from the specialist.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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