Biggest sugar myths

Chocolate, wine gums, biscuits: sugar can be so delicious. But it is also considered unhealthy. Is sugar really that bad? Or are the media and people now reacting hysterically? Tolfioow explains the ten biggest sugar myths!

Healthy is trendy. Superfoods such as quinoa, chia and matcha are not only conquering the refrigerated shelves of supermarkets, but also the kitchens of Germans. With so much eco-power, sugar has a hard time. It is considered unhealthy and harmful. It’s time to take a stand for the white stuff, because not everything said about sugar is true. We tell you which sugar myths are true and which belong to the realm of legend.

10 sugar myths put to the test

1. Sugar is unhealthy and unnecessary

That’s not true. Sugar is an important supplier of energy and the human brain alone needs about 140 grams of sugar a day. Of this, 80 to 90 grams are consumed through normal food. You shouldn’t give up sugar entirely. But keep in mind: Many foods contain sugar. So you don’t have to eat extra chocolate to meet the daily requirement. Sugar is like everything else in life. It shouldn’t be too much. You can find out in which foods sugar is hidden in our guide .

2. Sugar causes diabetes

Not correct. No study has yet found a link between high sugar consumption and diabetes. It is not true that sugar is directly responsible for diabetes. Rather, it has been proven that obesity (obesity) can lead to diabetes. However, sugar contains a lot of calories and can lead to obesity and an increased risk of diabetes if you eat the wrong food. You can find more information about sugar and diabetes in our guide .

3. Sugar makes you fat

Which brings us to the next myth. Yes, sugar is high in calories. And yes, sugar can lead to weight gain when consumed in excess. But so can fat. Those who do without sugar but only eat fatty foods also increase their risk of diabetes. So sugar is not responsible for excessive weight gain. This is caused, among other things, by poor nutrition and insufficient exercise.

4. Sugar is bad for your teeth

It’s correct. Just as bad as any other food. But not worse either! Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that break down food leftovers between the teeth and excrete acids in the process. Sugar itself does not attack the enamel. In fact, brushing your teeth too infrequently is the most common cause of tooth decay. Read our detailed guide to well-groomed teeth .

5. Glucose is healthy

That’s not true. Glucose is nothing but glucose. And glucose is pure sugar. Although glucose goes into the brain quickly and can indeed provide a short-term energy boost, this boost is only very short. The release of insulin from the body, on the other hand, lasts much longer. As a result, it often happens that you feel significantly weaker after the brief high.

6. Fructose is healthy

Not wrong, but at least debatable. Although fruit sugar (fructose) does not increase the blood sugar level and also comes with many vitamins, the liver values ​​increase dramatically. Because fructose in the blood is not broken down by insulin and thus reaches the liver. The result: Excessive consumption can lead to liver damage similar to that which occurs in alcoholics. Our guide to foods containing fructose will enlighten you .

7. Honey and syrup are healthier than sugar

Only partly true. Both honey and syrup consist of 60 to 80 percent sugar and are therefore in no way inferior to white table sugar. A look at the glycemic index makes this clear. All three foods have high glycos. The only advantage of honey and syrup: They also have many healthy ingredients such as minerals and vitamins. In our guide you will learn everything about maple syrup .

8. Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar

That’s not true. Sugar is sugar no matter what color it is. Brown sugar is also made of glucose. The only difference: brown sugar is more natural and therefore contains more trace elements and minerals. Its life cycle assessment is also better. However, anyone who believes that brown sugar does not raise blood sugar levels and prevents insulin secretion is wrong.

9. There are healthy and unhealthy sugars

Not entirely wrong, but not really right either. First of all, it must be said that any form of sugar consists of the three basic sugars glucose, fructose and galactose. All other types of sugar such as sucrose or lactose are based on compositions of these three simple sugars. In addition to taste and intensity, some types of sugar also have vitamins and minerals. This makes them superficially “healthier” than their competitors. However, all types of sugar (except fructose) increase the blood sugar level. Do you want to know how high your diabetes risk is? Do our test .

10. Sugar-free foods contain no sugar

Unfortunately that’s incorrect. The term “sugar-free” can already be used if there are 0.5 grams or less of sugar per 100 grams or milliliters. Most foods with such a label are not completely sugar-free. If you want to be on the safe side, go for foods with “no added sugar”. You are correct with this inscription.

We hope we were able to give you an overview of the many myths surrounding sugar. As you can see, a lot of what people think about sugar is just plain wrong. However, this should not be a license to overindulge in sugar consumption. If you have an unbalanced and wrong diet, do not exercise or generally do little exercise, you should not be surprised if your sugar levels are low. As with everything in life, the same applies to sugar: Enjoy in moderation.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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