Best exercises against saddlebags

Jodhpurs can be extremely stubborn and cause frustration for many women. Therefore, we will show you exercises with which you can build up muscles on your thighs and buttocks and tighten your problem area.

Jodhpurs can cause a lot of frustration and shame. The increased accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the problem areas of the thighs and buttocks affects women’s bodies in particular, as they tend to be genetically pear shaped – in contrast to the apple shape in men, which emphasizes the abdomen. Basically, you shouldn’t rack your brains about supposed physical “flaws”. From a health point of view, however, larger fat deposits can be dangerous. Therefore, we will show you how to get rid of unwanted saddlebags.

How to get rid of saddlebags

At this point, it must be emphasized that selective fat loss in the corresponding problem area is hardly possible, since it is genetically determined at which points one prefers to accumulate fat and break it down again during weight loss. However, your project is by no means hopeless! You can  reduce  your overall  body fat percentage through your diet , which also shrinks the padding on your legs and buttocks. You can also use targeted exercises to train and tighten your leg and bottom muscles and thus bring them into a more defined shape. With the following exercises you can tighten your saddlebags and effectively reduce body fat.

The 4 best exercises against saddlebags

With the following exercises you can lose fat, build muscle and thus also reduce and optically conceal saddlebags.

1. Side leg raises

The lateral leg raises while lying down is the classic way to train the lateral thigh muscles and should therefore not be missing in any workout against riding pants.

That’s how it’s done:

  • Lie on your side on a mat and, if necessary, support yourself with your elbow on the floor.
  • Bend your bottom leg slightly to help balance.
  • Now stretch the top leg up and under tension as far as possible and slowly lower it again without laying it down completely.

20 reps per side, 3 sets

2. Dirty Dog

This exercise lives up to its name because we imitate a peeing dog. What sounds a bit gross at first turns out to be an extremely effective exercise for your glutes and lateral thighs .

That’s how it’s done:

  • The starting position is on all fours.
  • Now open your hips and lift one leg to the side (90° in knee and hip), without twisting your upper body (spine stays straight). If possible, take no momentum with you.
  • If the exercise is too easy, stop at the top and push up. Alternatively, stretch a resistance band around your legs.

15 reps per side, 3 sets

Important:  Don’t fall into a hollow back. Perform the movement slowly and actively contract your buttocks by squeezing your buttocks.

3. Hofknicks lunges

Known as curtsy lunges , this variation of lunges is perfect for working all of your hamstrings and butt muscles at the same time . You can also increase the intensity by holding dumbbells or water bottles in your hands.

That’s how it’s done:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and tense your entire body.
  • Bring one leg behind you and place your foot behind your standing leg at about a 45° angle.
  • The knee angle  should be about 90 degrees  in both legs   . The upper body is straight and the abdomen tight.
  • Push yourself up with your back foot and return to the starting position.
  • First power out one side completely and then switch to the other.
  • For even more burning in thighs and buttocks: In the lowest position, rock up and down briefly three times, only then return to the starting position.

10 to 15 repetitions per side.

Important:  The front foot should always land with the entire sole of the foot to avoid shearing forces in the knee!

4. Hampelmänner

In order to finally work out your entire body, strengthen your leg muscles with jumps and boost fat burning, we do the classic jumping jack.

That’s how it’s done:

  • You start standing with closed arms and legs and build up full body tension.
  • Now simultaneously move your arms and legs apart in a jumping motion.

Hop at medium speed for 40 seconds, then go full throttle for 20 seconds, 3 reps

Tip: Do these four exercises three days a week and supplement your workout with intensive endurance training such as jogging, cycling or swimming to reduce further body fat.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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