Breast cancer: Avoid these risk factors

Breast cancer affects one in eight women during her lifetime, making it the most common form of cancer in women. In addition to age and genes, the risk of breast cancer also depends on the following 3 risk factors, which can be influenced and are influenced by lifestyle.

Like most cancers, breast cancer depends to some extent on factors beyond our control: age, genes, timing of the first period and when menopause occurs. It is therefore all the more important for every woman to go regularly to cancer screening and to the gynaecologist. However, there are also risk factors that you can control and that you should avoid if possible in order to minimize the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Breast cancer: Avoid these 3 risk factors

1. Overweight

A woman’s hormone levels can only be influenced to a limited extent. One of the few adjusting screws, however, is body weight. More specifically , according to  Prof. Ludwig Kiesel, Director of the University Women’s Clinic at the University Hospital Münster (UKM) , overweight – especially obesity – has an effect., clearly promotes the development of breast cancer: “In the meantime, it has been understood that there is a connection between the active fat and the inflammatory processes that it triggers in the body and the development of cancer. This also applies to breast cancer, of course.” While fat deposits on the legs or bottom are not a problem, the hormonally active abdominal fat is responsible for increasing the risk of breast cancer. According to Prof. Kiesel, it increases the risk in a similar way to hormone replacement therapy during menopause:  “Ultimately, in numbers, being significantly overweight is almost as unfavorable as taking hormones for several years” . You should therefore eat a healthy, balanced and calorie-balanced diet , especially after the menopauserespect, think highly of.

2. Alcohol

According to the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) , the connection between alcohol and breast cancer is  clear: “The more a woman consumes, the higher the probability of developing the disease” . Therefore, you should use the stimulant as moderately as possible. However, it is still unclear whether the increased risk is solely due to the high calorie content of alcoholic beverages and the resulting weight gain, or whether ethanol itself plays a role in the development of breast cancer .

3. Hormone replacement therapy during menopause

During menopause, a woman’s hormonal balance changes fundamentally, so that the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop sharply. This often leads to symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, bleeding between periods or incontinence. While targeted hormone replacement therapy can reduce the occurrence and severity of such symptoms, it also increases the risk of breast cancer . The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) therefore advises from such treatments: “If possible, do without hormone replacement therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms”. If, together with your gynecologist, you decide on hormone replacement therapy due to severe symptoms, you should only take the hormones for as long as absolutely necessary, according to the DKFZ.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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