Fascia training is a popular measure to loosen and loosen adhesions of the fascia and tense muscles. Athletes swear by the regenerative effect of the fascia roller. In order to achieve the best possible effect with the foam roller, however, you should avoid these 7 mistakes.
Fascia rolling exercises are often explained very well in many books, videos or on posters. It quickly becomes clear which exercise is suitable for which muscle part and how it works. With good knowledge, many fascia enthusiasts start rolling. But there are still a few things you should pay attention to so that the fascia training becomes even more effective.
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Mistake no. 1 in fascia training: Rolling too fast
Beginners in particular often tend to roll over their muscles too quickly with the foam roller. Instead, you should take the time to acclimate the muscle or muscle group to the load and pressure . If the rolling feels comfortable after a few rolls back and forth, you can consciously work on trigger points. To do this, roll the fascia roller slowly and purposefully back and forth. This promotes blood circulation, which relaxes the muscle. This can increase flexibility and mobility.
Mistake no. 2 in fascia training: Rolling too hard
Fascia training should never be very painful. This is usually a sign that you are rolling with too much pressure. This can cause muscle damage or bruising because small blood vessels are damaged. It becomes particularly problematic when vessel walls and vein valves are injured, so that the blood can no longer flow back to the heart properly. In this case, the muscle takes longer to regenerate and negative consequences for the vessels cannot be ruled out in the long term.
Mistake no. 3 in fascia training: rollers that are too long
Rolling for too long can increase rather than relieve pain in the muscles. Instead of training for an hour once a week, you should divide your fascia training into three or four days of around 15 to 20 minutes . Rolling on a trigger point for too long can also damage tissue, cause bruising or irritate nerves. Therefore, roll for a maximum of 20 to 30 seconds per trigger point . As a beginner, you should also try to regulate the distribution of your body weight on the foam roller by supporting your arms or legs. Otherwise there is too much unfamiliar pressure on the spots.
Mistake no. 4 in fascia training: Incorrect breathing
As with stretching, you should supply the tissue with oxygen during fascia training . This stimulates fluid circulation. Deep inhalation and exhalation also allows you to penetrate further into the tissue and release trigger points more effectively.
Mistake no. 5 in fascia training: A fascia roller that is too hard
If you also use your foam roller for a massage, you should pay attention to the hardness of the roller. A foam roller that is too hard can cause severe pain when rolled over areas where the bones are close to the skin. Therefore choose a softer role. Also well suited are those that have a corrugated surface or a vibration function.
Mistake #6 in Fascia Training: Rolling your lower back
Rolling your upper and middle back can be relaxing. However, caution is required in the lower back area: when rolling, too much of the body weight rests on the roll and thus on the spine. This additional load can lead to pain and have a negative effect, especially in the case of a hollow back. Instead, fascia, tennis, golf or massage balls with nubs are suitable for relieving tension in a more targeted manner. The pressure on the spine is relieved by the ball.
Mistake no. 7 in fascia training: The upper body is forgotten
The application of the foam roll in the lower body is uncomplicated and the most common application method. But the upper body can also be rolled easily, which is particularly important for people who sit and work a lot at their desks. The muscles and fascia in the chest muscles, in the shoulder blades, in the biceps and triceps or in the neck can be loosened with smaller rollers or balls.
Tip: It is best to try out different fascia rollers before you buy them . They differ in hardness and shape. Beginners usually find softer wheels with ripples more comfortable. The muscles usually have to get used to harder foam rollers .