That’s why you should avoid alcohol during your period!

During the period, very few of us are fully productive and in a good mood around the clock. Cramps, hunger and a bad mood are not uncommon. It’s no wonder that many women reach for a glass of wine during their menstrual period to relax. But that can do more harm than good!

Many women rarely find the time before and during their period particularly pleasant. Whether it’s cravings, cramps, tiredness or a bad mood: a little wine to relax won’t harm the body. But most people are wrong about that. Although the alcohol can temporarily make you not feel the pain as much, it causes more problems.

That’s what alcohol does before and during your period

  1. Abdominal pain worsens
    Alcohol draws water out of the body, which can lead to dehydration. In addition to the typical hangover, this deficiency also causes severe abdominal pain. At the same time, the body lacks electrolytes due to the loss of water, which can also lead to more severe pain.
  2. The cycle shifts
    Especially in stressful times, many people reach for a glass of alcohol to relax better. However, scientists at the University of Chicago have found that the exact opposite happens. The body takes longer to relieve stress after drinking alcohol. This excess of stress can negatively impact and postpone the cycle.
  3. Hormone levels are changed unnecessarily
    Alcohol affects the level of testosterone and estrogen in the body. These stronger fluctuations can lead to mood swings or even shift the cycle.
  4. PMS worsens
    Alcohol should also be avoided in the days leading up to your period, as it can aggravate symptoms of PMS. Breast tenderness, abdominal pain, mood swings or headaches may increase.

This makes the period more bearable

To prevent menstrual cramps and PMS , e.g. E.g. chaste tree , a hot-water bottle, sports and exercise, and food containing electrolytes. These include magnesium, potassium and sodium. Fresh vegetables, cereals, meat and legumes cover this electrolyte requirement and prevent symptoms.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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